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Welcome back don't forget to vote and comment mi angels! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧


Once you stepped through the door you were greeted by a shirtless Seokjin, his broad shoulders and honey kissed skin really weren't something you could overlook; as well as his traced out abs and sharp v-line. You realized you were starting to gaze a little too low and squeaked out, "What the hell!" Cheeks hot and head a little fuzzy you ran up the stairs you just noticed were there and locked yourself in what you take is the...storage closet?


After Hoseok saved you from the storage closet you went back downstairs to meet your new roomates. You were seated on the couch as was everyone else. All eyes were on you and Hobi, until the male with silver hair spoke up.

"Hi, I'm Jimin. Prince of Busan and this is my little brother Jungkook." Jungkook frowned at first but a evil giggle erupted out of him and he spoke. "For me to be your little brother, you would have to be bigger than me wouldn't you?" Jimin rolled his eyes, "At least I still have my upper lip coconut boy!" And with that he ran; Jungkook chasing aftter him with a tiny knife in his hand, which he quite frankly pulled out of thin air.

Your mouth slightly agape, being closed gently thanks to Taehyung. "Close your mouth or flies will lay eggs in it." You rolled my eyes. "Yeah yeah." A question sparked your interest. "When are we eating I'm hungry?" It sounded more like whine as it slipped from your lips. Seokjin hummed and you saw him stand and motion for you to follow him into what you assume is the kitchen.


You leaned against the sink as Seokjin took something out of the oven beside you. It was baked turkey he looked at you tilting his head towards the plate, you got the message handing him the dish as he put a peice of the turkey pouring some of the juices on top and scooping up a few vegetables from the stove. "Here." You blinked at the mouth watering food. "Thanks." You took the plate and was about to make your way back to the living room when Seokjin spoke up. "We don't eat in the cabin wait for me by the cazino there's a table there." You hummed and made your way outside instead.


You found yourself sitting under an arch of beautiful fairy lights with a hint of pink roses.

You found yourself sitting under an arch of beautiful fairy lights with a hint of pink roses

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Waiting for Seokjin took about all of two minutes and you both were eating in silence. "So how've you been?" He asked carefully. You furrowed your eyebrows at the way he spoke to you. Like you were some ticking time bomb. "I'm thriving. Can't say the same about your saggy testicles." He scoffed "I apologized for what I did. I don't even understand why you're still upset we were kids!" You stabbed your turkey. How dare he! He asked you out! And when you said you needed a little to think about it what did he do? He went and fucked some other chic! So yes you were mad! Yes this may have been a little petty! But that really hurt! "You don't get to tell me how long to be angry it's not my fault you couldn't keep it in your pants for two fucking hours!"

Seokjin bit his lip and looked down; "You're right. I apologize Y/N." It was silent again before you took your plate having finished eating about to make your way back into the cabin when suddenly you tripped on one of the steps, you yelped as you felt a force pull you back but then you started falling in the other direction a quiet "Oh shit." Echoed in your ears as you hit the ground, cushioned of course, by you guessed it Kim fucking Seokjin. He smiled as he noticed your position. Your hands intertwined with his as you were sitting on his thighs your face burned with all sorts of scandolous thoughs.

What the hell! When did he get so hot? "Hey there angel." Seokjin flipped your positions him now hovering over you slightly as you laid down gently in the grass. "S-Seokjin." You stuttered out, "Can I kiss you?" You nodded hesitantly and suddenly you felt soft plush lips against yours. Stunned at first you almost forgot to breathe but then kissed back and wrapped your hands around Seokjins neck.

He let out a pleased sigh as he lightly bit your bottom lip deepening the kiss, you whimpered and allowed his tounge access into your mouth fighting for dominance which the battle was cut short when you remebered you were on the ground. Outside. Where your brother or Seokjins friends could come out and see you in such a vulnerable state. You pulled out of the kiss smirking. "We should finish this," Seokjin nodded like an excited puppy, making you chuckle, "some other time." He whined taking your hand. "Why not now?"

You shook your head. "I need a shower and you haven't taken me out on a proper date, now have you?" Seokjins breath hitched as he noticed your accuracy. "Fine meet me at the cazino tommorow morning at eight am!" Seokjin got up and ran back into the house leaving you to sigh and roll your eyes and follow him.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Are you ready to spice things up? (๑¯◡¯๑)➜

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