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The servants handed out plates of food filled with bacon, eggs, french toast, cinnamon toast, mixed fruit, honey rice, and wildberry tea. That's what everyone had; except for you and Kim. Kim just had cinnamon toast with eggs and bacon and you had a cinnamon roll with eggs and fruit on the side. You decided to ask your mother why you didn't have as much food on your plate as everyone else. "Mother," you called out, she looked at you with an annoyed expression and asked, "What is it Y/N?"

"I was wondering why me and K- Seokjin didn't have as much food or the same breakfast as anyone else?" Your mother rolled her eyes at your question as Seokjin peaked up at you saying his first name for the first time so you were both ten years old. "You need to lose weight Namjoon doesn't deserve a pig like you, as for Seokjin mind yourself and only yourself. Do you understand me?" You nodded as you felt your eyes get a little tingly at what she said to you; but instead of crying you took a shaky breath clenched your fist and began eating, not noticing the looks Namjoon and Seokjin gave you and the steady glare Hoseok had on your mother.

You silently at your toast and awkwardly shifted as you felt your fathers gaze on you. A hand slowly reached your and intertwined your fingers, you sighed at the warmth spreading around your hand and looked up to see Namjoon smiling at you. Seokjin had a firm frown on his face at the interaction. You were about to eat your toast when you felt a kick under the table. It came from none other than that damned Seokjin, he looked at you with a scared look, his face completely pale. You were concerned and tilted your head.

Seokjin looked around discreetly making sure your parents were fully imeresed in their own conversation before mouthing, 'Don't eat the toast it's poisened.' You let out a quiet gasp and Namjoon looked at you concerned you forcefully smiled at him before drinking your tea. You looked back up at Seokjin before shifting your eyes towards the door.

But before you knew it your father suddenly spoke, "Y/N why don't you eat your toast?" You felt a frosty shiver spill down your spine at his words. How could this be? Were your own mother and father trying to poisen you? Why? Did they poisen Hobi's food too? No they would't. You quickly answered, "I'm full, um, may I be excused?" You asked politely as possible, your father let out and irravatated huff. "Hurry up." You stood from your chair and made your way out of the dining hall. Once you were out you sprinted to your room and took out a bag.


After about ten mintutes of panic packing you heard a knock on your door, you opened it to see...Seokjin? "Um, hello?" He nudged his way into your room and sat on your bed. "Just came to let you know they didn't poisen Prince Hoseok's food." You nodded, "I'm leaving and Hoseok is coming with me. I don't need this castle, I don't need my parents, I don't need to marry Namjoon, and I don't need to make myself think i'm attracted to him just to please my parents!" You let out a stressed sigh as Seokjin let out a light giggle. Reminding you of his presence, "You got a lot on your mind I see? You're really gonna marry that kid though?" You inhaled, "I don't know. Now why are you here?" You asked sternly, Seokjin frowned at your response.

"Well my parents did try to poisen me too y'know." He said and you could hear the pain in his voice but he quickly covered it up. "You can hide in my cabin with me, you and Hoseok." You grimaced at the thought. "Absolutely not." Seokjin scoffed, "Suit yourself. Your parents will find one way or another to kill you and I won't always be there to warn you." With that you bit your bottom lip and furrowed your eyebrows.


You were about to look for Hobi when you saw Namjoon sitting beside your wall outside your bedroom. "So, you only want to marry to please your parents? I thought we were getting along Y/N?" He sniffled a bit and you felt your heart twist with guilt, and you let your nth sigh of the day. "I'm so sorry Namjoon, I'm not ready to get married. I hope you know that, you really are an amazing man and any woman would be lucky to have someone as smart, kind, and loving as you were to me, I'm sorry I can't return it all though."

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