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You stretched your limbs in your queen sized bed yawning as you groggily threw off your blankets. You sighed "Another day, another awkward meeting with Kim's parents."

Yes. Your parents and Ji- Kims parents were very close. You never did understand how such kind people made such an awful human being.

You loved the Kims; excluding their son, they were sweet and loving people and you always loved when they came over. Despite the extra that tagged along, not all their sons were bad though.

Their youngest; Kim Taehyung was such a sweet heart. He was also very attractive; all the Kims were but you would never admit that.

You sighed at that last thought and made your way to your in room bathroom going through your daily routine as well as taking a quick wash up. Once you were finished you went to your walk in closet slipping on a white sheer dress.

Adding your own nessecary accesories and styling your hair

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Adding your own nessecary accesories and styling your hair. Once finished you heard a swift knock on your door. "Come on Y/N! The Kims should be here in few minutes!" You heard Yoongi squeak from behind your door, "I'm coming Yoongs, breathe." You heard him sigh and footsteps strut away from your door.

Just as you were about to walk out of your room you were greeted by a nicely styled Namjoon who was smiling that heart swelling smile. "Hello Joonie, you look handsome." He let out a low giggle and looked you up and down a content sigh leaving his plump lips,

"You look absolutely stunning yourself Y/N." You hid your face behind your hand flustered, but Namjoon took your hand away from your face gently and hummed. "Shall we join your family and soon the Kims now?" You smiled at his cheesy British accent; and copied, "Yes we shall."


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Namjoon opened the door for you as you made your way into the dining hall. Your mother and father both looked at you before nodding in approval at you outfit. "Hi Sunny!" Your brother greeted you. Both of you have sun themed nicknames. "Good Morning, Sunshine."

You beamed, he is the only reason you haven't jumped off the palace. "Sit. Hurry up the Kims should be here soon." Your mother said venom dripped from her tone. You sat at the head of the table and straightened out your posure, Namjoon took a seat beside you and grinned at you; patting your knee suppotively.

After a few minutes of silence the door opened and in walked the family of four; they all took their respective seats and your parents stood and shook their hands, you along with them.

You shook Mrs. Kim's hand and she smiled in the shape of a box, "Queen Y/N, how much you've grown, I can't wait to see how you grow as Queen." You smiled at her words though she seemed like she was speaking sarcastically?

You didn't question it and moved on to Mr. Kim shaking his hand with a firm nod before sitting back in your seat alongside Namjoon.

"So shall we begin!" Your father boomed. The table collectively nodded in agreement before the servevants came in with trays of food. But for some reason you and Seokin had something different then the rest of the group?


Cliff hanger I think yes! I hope you guys enjoyed my update schdule will be every Tuesday and Thursday ෆ╹ .̮ ╹ෆ!!

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