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"Y/N..." Hoseok started,"I've been writing Yoongi." He muttered a look of shock over taking your features. "Hoseok do you know how dangerous that was! And without telling me?! What did you even say to him?" You panicked and Hobi put a hand on your fore arm running his hand up and down calmingly before speaking with a sigh "I asked him to come see me... And I know you're going to be mad but that's best friend." Hoseok said with a pout as you looked at him with find eyes. Your royal advisor and brother had always been brothers from another mother; "I'm not made sunshine, who am I to seperate our eclipse duo." You sympathized.

"So when is he arriving?" You peered and instantly a look of nervousness appeared on you siblings face. "Tommorow actually." Hoseok scratched the back of his neck. "Hoseok!" So Yoongi was gonna stroll into your humble little oboed tommorow and you wouldn't have a clue if Hoseok hadn't told you today. You just pinched the bridge of your nose and groaned closing your eyes in annoyance. Hoseok just sat scared to say something; until you smelt pinapple near your nose. You opened your mouth moving your hands from your face letting your brother feed you fruits as an apology, you hummed in content as this went on for a while before you decided you were tired.


You took a long four hour nap. In Seokjins bed. But that's irrealavant. You were energized and wanted to do something. So you headed down stairs to see if anyone wanted to go to the garden to get flowers and press them into books. Strolling down the stairs you saw Taehyung and Jimin putting rat tails in eachother hair and using fake accents from you don't have a clue where. "Do you guys wanna help me pick flowers from the garden?" The sound of your voice made their head turn and Taehyung took a rubber band and tied it to the end of the rat tail in Jimins long blond hair. "Yeah. Jiminie get up!" Jimin flopped on Taehyung and mumbled, "I'm tired carry to my room like a princess." He put a hand over his head dramatically, Taehyung then proceeded to push Jimin to the ground with a groan coming from both ends. "We can go now we don't need him." Taehyung said with an eyeroll and you giggled going to help Jimin off the floor.

Once you and the guys made it to the garden Jungkook and Hoseok came to the garden as well dragging an annoyed looking Jin with them. "Hi Sunny!" Hoseok greeted before you all began to walk around the garden you taking Tae with you. "So hows life?" You asked and Taehyung chuckled. It's been good other than the fact my parents tried to kill my brother..." Taehyung looked hurt; and it broke your heart to see them. But he tried to make up for his sad tune by giving a big smile. "I missed you a lot though also is it okay if I brad your hair? It's so pretty and i really just want to braid it." You chuckled and nodded, "Should I get the yellow or blue roses?" You asked and Taehyung gave you a blue flower and went around picking flowers he thought would look good pressend into your scrapbook. He also got an asortment of pink and purple tulips, with white wild flowers.


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Everyone had there flowers Hoseok had a couple of orange and yellow flowers, while Jungkook had yellow hibiscus, Jimin had red
Kalanchoe, and Jin pink tulips.

Everyone had there flowers Hoseok had a couple of orange and yellow flowers, while Jungkook had yellow hibiscus, Jimin had red Kalanchoe, and Jin pink tulips

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After pressing all the flowers into the books Taehyung and Jungkook left to go start dinner. And you had a long cuddle session with your brother laying in the garden talking with Seokjin and Jimin. Even after dinner you were all still talking and eventually you all got tired. But that didn't stop the carriage arriving at your doorstep at five in the morning.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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