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Extrememly late chapters sorry babes!! ( ◜~◝ )♡

You woke up in a new room filled with nice shades of dark pink and gold. It was beautiful and elegant. Your intake of the room was cut off when you felt something, or someone stir beside you. "Goodmorning Angel." Seokjins raspy voice whispered in your ear. A smile draped over your face at his bed hair and rosy full lips, "Goodmorning Jinnie!" You chirped. SEokjin smiled at you and lifted his hand up to your face moving a peice of hair out of your face. "You're so pretty Y/N...not as pretty as me though." He teased sitting up out of bed with a giggle. "Oh you think you're funny. You definetly weren't complaining about my looks last night." You countered, and you saw his cheeks flush with a pretty pink tint. "Yeah you're right." Seokjin moved closer his hands snaking around your fine waist, "I want to kiss you. Can I?" Your breath hitched at the bluntness but you consented anyways. You felt Jin's plush lips on yours and couldn't help but hum in satisfaction. The kiss wasn't heated either. It was nice and slow and it was as if the kiss was refreshing your entire being. You pulled away, relectuntly of course and whined, "We should get up. I wanna make breakfast today." Jin stretched and hummed in agreement. "Go ahead i'll be right out."


You were washing the pots and pans used to make breakfast when you heard a loud crash from upstairs. "What the hell?" You whispered to yourself. After rinsing out the last pan you decided you would wake everyone up' one thing bothered you though. Jin still hadn't come downstairs. You shrugged it off and continued your peaceful journey up the stairs. That was until you heard another loud bang coming from Seokjins room along with a few harsh words from whose voice you recognized as your brother. "I swear you fucking bitch if you heart her i'll brak every bone in your body and peel your face off with a cheese grater. Don't hurt her!" Another bang, "Crazy bastard." You walked into the room with wide eyes to see you brother on top of Jin hitting him over the head with what you assume are encyclopedia's. "Hoseok what the absolute fuck?!" You shouted, Hoseok rolled off of Seokjin taking the books woth him as he rolled off the bed and asked, "Is breakfast ready?" You groaned but assired him it was time to eat. "I'm gonna go get Jimin and Kookie." You said as you walked out of the room making your way to the hall.

You opened the door to see two beds with big lumps in them to which you figured were the cooky brothers that liked to beat eachother up both mentally and physically. You tapped Jungkooks back trying to soothe him out of sleep then you bent down to his ear and, "Wake the fuck up!" You screamed and his eyes flew open as he tackled you to the floor tickling your sides. "You gotta stop doing that Y/N! What if my ear explodes!?" He whines but you just shook your head giggles and slight calls for help leaving your lips. "Jimin help!" You then heard Jungkook scream and opened your eyes to see Jimin glaring at Jungkook while holding him buy his ear. "When someone is barely breathing you stop tickling them you dufus!" Jungkook gasped and defended, "I am no dufus, you probably don't even know how to spell dufus you dwarf!" You and Jimin gasped in sync and you decided this was going turn into an arguement and you had to go wake up Taebear.

You opened the door at the end of the hall and saw Tae sitting in bed writing in a book. You quietly went over and hugged him, "Morning Tae." You smiled and Taehyung set the pencil and book down, "Morning Sunny, breakfast ready?" You snuggled closer into the comforting and nodded, "Hey Tae?" He hummed. "What's that book for?" You questioned, "It's music." You awed before you took his hand and dragged him downstairs to eat breakfast.


You and you brother decided to have a snack in the garden a few hours after lunch. You thought this would also be a good time to talk about your parents. You decided on a white dress with vines and daisies imprinted onto the fabric.

 You decided on a white dress with vines and daisies imprinted onto the fabric

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Your brother was wearing a classic all white suit with a black bow tie.

You spread the white and green checkered blanket on the graas and settled down as Hoseok sat down and handed you a plate of fruit and honey bread

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You spread the white and green checkered blanket on the graas and settled down as Hoseok sat down and handed you a plate of fruit and honey bread. Taking out the same for himself. "Hoseok. It's time." He quirked an eyebrow, "Don't tell me your pregnant Y/N. I'm not ready to be an uncle. I should have hit Jin in the balls more when we were kids." Your brother ranted and you chocked on a rasberry. "Hoseok no! I'm talking about Mom and Dad!" He grimaced and let out and "oh." Suddenly the atmosphere was thick and filled with a special type of hurt.

Welcome back don't forget to vote and comment mi angels! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧


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