VI ⚠️

25 3 3

Here's your spice (◠‿・)-☆


You were eating the last of you and Seokjins strawberries when a thought bloomed in your head. Your eyes went wide at your own thoughts, you fantasized of Seokjin lips tasting of the bitter sweet strawberries you two had just ravished in minutes.

"Can I kiss you again?" The inquiry snatched you from your thoughts leaving your face burning with potential passion and hints of lust. You looked at him; you wanted to be bold, you wanted him to fight for your compliance.

So instead of answering you took his larger veiny hands in to yours and straddled his thighs, tilting his head up and pulling him into a passionate kiss. He groaned into the kiss and you bit his bottom lip carefully. Your hands went from his broad shoulders and snaked up to his hair tangling them in his black hair. He slid his hands up your beautiful legs until he got to your thighs.

Your tounges moved together, as you stood your ground; but as soon as Seokjin rolled his hips up against your core you knew you were in for it. Just the little action had you soaking and you didn't want to dirty your lingerie, no you didn't wear it for Seokjin; it was just better quality and as Queen you were only ever given the best.

But anyways, Seokjin pushed your dress up to your upper thighs hooking his hands under you ass and switching your position. You were now laid against the rosy cushions of the cazibo bench. Seokjin pulled away from the kiss and began leaving butterfly kisses on your neck making you hum in content. "You're so pretty Angel."

Something about the nickname did things to you and it sent butterflies straight to your core making you needy. "Jin, I want you." Your pride wouldn't let you admit how much you actual needed Jin to fuck you senseless, so this was the best and only option for you to get what you wanted. "Are you sure Angel?" He asked, unbuttoning your dress. As it slid off your shoulders he bit your collarbones sucking a deep mark, making you moan. "Yes I'm sure, just fuck me!" You whined.

You knew he was teasing you and you loved it but you also were getting needier by the second. He moved from the spot he had between your legs going further down your body, trailing kisses on his way down. He finally reached your lingerie, and a sly smirk formed on his handsome face. "Look at these pretty panties Angel. Look at you all needy and restless for me."

His words were so true you could only bring yourself to whimper quietly at the way his voice deepened slightly with want. Want for you specifically. He gently pulled your lingerie down and placed them on the bench, as to not dirty them more than your neediness already has. He leaned in towards your core licking a stripe up to your clit.

You covered your mouth to cover any embarrasing sounds that escaped your mouth. His warm tounge worked magic tracing the depths of your core before his pillowy lips wrapped around your clit and sucked gently. "Fuck! Jin! Keep going!" You begged as your hands met his raven colored hair again pushing him closer to you core.

You let out moan after moan until your thighs were trembling and you felt yourself nearing your orgasm. "J-Jin I'm close..." He moved off your clit licking up your core once more before completely moving away from you. "Not yet Angel, I haven't got my pleasure yet have I? Don't be selfish love." He began undressing himself as you squirmed around seeking pleasure to finally get you to that release that was abruptly blocked by none other than the person who brought you to it. Once he was done getting undressed you took in the literal God in front of you.

His broad shoulders, sun kissed skin, and muscles for days; he was radiating dominance but not misogyny, he was the perfect man in your eyes. "Open up Angel." You opened your mouth, and was met with Jins long fingers fucking your mouth. You moaned around his fingers and grinded yourself against his thick thighs not being able to keep a steady pace because of how good it felt. "You need it that bad Angel?" You moaned in response; as he took his fingers out of your mouth. "I see," He slid his hand down your chest before moving to your bra, unclipping it and moving it over to where your other undergarments were.

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