Chapter one

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Brianna. P.O.V.

I jump in a 1967' black Chevy Impala. I Quickly jump started it and take off down the road, not looking behind me. I was going through people's wallets and I had just stole 300 dollars. The person I stole it from caught me doing it, and called the cops. So now I'm running for my life. I pull into the driveway of the motel that I'm staying at, and jump out of the car as fast as I can. I barge threw the door to find my friend Abril reading on the coach reading a destiel book. "ABRIL GET YOUR ASS UP! WE NEED TO GO LIKE NOW! THE COPS ARE AFTER ME AND WE NEED TO GO!" Im practicality screaming at her.

She looks up at me, and says with a poker face. "Fuck no. I just got to a sad part."


"Okay, okay. I'm coming." Abril gets up and runs up with me to the car. "We're did you get this sweet ass car." I don't answer her just jump in the car. "You stole it didn't you."

"Just get in the God damn car!" I demand. She just nods and get in. I speed of once again.

"Excuse me but, you have stole deans car." I here and someone say from the back making me jump, and slam on the breaks.

"What the fuck?!" I grab Abril and push her out of the car, before getting out myself. I run down the road with Abril's hand in mine. I am practically dragging her behind me. Then out of nowhere, the man that was in the back of that car, is right in front of me. "Wha-how-did you just. What."

"Apologies, now." He tells me. "Apologies for stealing Dean car." I almost laugh, it come out more of a snort. I have never really apologized and I really don't plan on starting now.

I look him dead In the eye, kinda annoyed. "Bite me." And with that I run around him.i don't even make 6 steps before he is in front of me again. He grabs my wrist.

"Apologies right now." He demanded again.

"Cas! Let her go now!" Abril demands right back. This startles him.

"How do you know my name."

"I just do now let her go." He just keeps holding on. I here sirens, and then I see the cops come around the corner. I start to panic.

"I don't want to go to jail. And right now, If you don't let me go, I'm going to go. And most likely I won't be coming out." See now that is a lie because I have gotten out of jail before It is really easy. "Look I know you don't care, but I do. And I need to get Abril out if this town. I need to help her."

"Fine." He lets go, but it's to late now they are right behind me. And now I'm going to get caught. Again.

"Okay. Cas! I need you to take care of Abril until I'm out of this jail. Just make sure she is okay." Cas nods. "Abril. Run and don't look back." But she doesn't listen she just jumps at the officers. While they handcuff me. Cas has to hold her back.

I'll come back for you later." Cas says before disappearing.

And "thank you" are the last things I get out before I'm rushed into the back of the cop car.


What will happen to Brianna. Sorry for the short chapter. Hope you liked it. I'm sorry if there was a lot of mistakes I did this on my phone so it was hard. So yeah. Peace off. Bye. 💋

On The Run.(supernatural fan fic) book one.Where stories live. Discover now