Chapter three

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Dean and Sam barge into the motel. "Who the hell is this?!" Dean yells.

"Dean, calm down. This is Abril, and Brianna." Cas answers calmly. "They need a place to stay. Also I go the car back." Dean looks at me.

"You didn't scratch it did you!?" He asks.

"Hell no. The baby is to precious to scratch." I replied almost instantly. I laughs.

"You read the books don't you?"

"No Abril reads them tho." I answer deans question. He nods. Abril then decided to cut into the conversation.

"ARE YOU GUYS REALLY SAM, DEAN AND CAS!?" She is so annoying sometimes.

"NOOOOO Abril they are potatoes." I sarcastically say. She just glares at me, making me laugh.

Abril whispers to sam "destiel." And they both start freaking the fuck out.

"What is that exactly?" I look at Cas who has just asked the question.

"Nothing just nothing." Me and Abril say at the same time.

"It's are couples name." Dean answers the question.

"Are you guys dating." Dean walks over to Cas and throws his arm around his shoulders, and kisses his cheek.

"Yes we are." Cas blushes deeply. I yawn loudly.

"Come on Abril lets go get a room." I walk to the door and open it. I start walking down the road. I'm leaving. Abril, will be happy here. Without me. I know for a fact. Just the Cas apears in front of me.

"I was told to bring you back." He says teleporting use back. "WHAT THE FUCK. I WAS GOING FOR A REASON!"

"You said you were going to get a room for us." Abril snapped in my face. "NOT LEAVE ME HERE!"

"I don't have any money." I whisper.

"What do you mean you just stole some." Abril says confused

"Yeah, but I also just got arrested." I argue back. "And I'm not staying here with them."

"Please just one night? You will be fine" Abril asks.



"Fine one night that is it."

"Thank you." she says.

"We are going to sleep?" I say a little bitchy.

"You can just sleep with one of us." Dean says.

"Ha. Like that will happen." I snap at him.

"Yes that will be fine." Abril buts in.

"Okay then pick a bed." I walk over to the bed on he left and flop down on it. I crawl under the blankets and role my eyes.

"Guess your sleeping with me." Dean says. I groan. "Oh don't worry. I won't hit on you. I only do that to Cas now." I laugh and role my eyes. I close them and almost instantly fall asleep.

On The Run.(supernatural fan fic) book one.Where stories live. Discover now