Chapter ten

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I pull out a pencil and paper. And start to write.
To abril,
Life is such a simple word. With such a big meaning to it. Somebody once said to me, everything happens for a reason. So maybe this is for the best. It happened for a reason. but I will be happy now. One day you will see me again. And I can't wait for that day. My life It just was to hard to live. I know you won't understand why I am doing this. But again I will say it, everything happens for a reason. I just want you to know that I love you. You have been one of the best things that have ever happened to me. I want you to keep living and be happy. Go get a job. Maybe start a family. Just be you, but be the happy you. I know this is hard. So Tell the guys I said I love them to. I know they will want to here it. And tell Cas, that he helped me a lot, threw things you couldn't. I'm not going to say 'goodbye' to you because I will see you again some day. I think I hit the point in life, where I'm just done.
I cried
I fought
I tried
But everything is crashing down.
My Demons are getting louder, trying to eat me away.
And this time I'm not going to fight back.

I stand up with the paper in my hand, and walk over to the gun that is on the bed. I set the paper down and pick up the gun. I start to cry. I have been threw so much and now it is the time I get to be happy. I put the gun to my head. I will count to 5. One..... two....... three..... Four...... Abril barges threw the door. Five... I pull the trigger.

Abril's. P.O.V.

"NOOOOO!" I cry. It is like everything is in slow motion. The gun shout rings threw the air. I watch as Brianna's body falls to the floor limply, and lifeless. I run to her Side and pick her head up and cradle it in my lap. "No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Please don't leave me. No. No." I ball. How could she do this. Why? I know she wasn't happy. But still. And now this. Why?! I need her. Castiel walks in the room and stops dead in his tracks, when he sees me. I see one tear roll down his face, as he falls to his knees next to me, and then he starts crying to. He takes her head off of my lap and bring her head up to his chest. He cradles her body. And we just sit there and cry. Dean, and Sam walk in. Dean rushes over to us with Sam by his side. He says something to me but I can't hear him. It's over. Brianna made her choice. I will never be able to see her again.

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