The Baneblade in gup universe.

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During the attack on unknown world where daemon of TZEENTCH and thousands sons invaded it, as while the hive fleet Kronos it was attacked them at the same time, as imperial guards and the Bane blade tank, are defending the world from Tyranids, and chaos forces, as they. The battle rages on, TZEENTCH saw the Bane blade and its crew are fighting both enemies forces, as he got a plan for them, and so with warp storm forming around the Bane blade and with a snap of his or something he, transport them along with the Bane blade itself to the another world. Game called Sensha-do exist, as he laughs.

Meanwhile in gup universe.

A girl's bedroom, where a girl is sleeping. The alarm goes off, the girl, flustered, hurriedly silences it, rushes to make her bed, and quickly begins to change out of her nightclothes; suddenly she stops and happily reminds herself that she is not at home anymore. She then is seen happily walking to school, the only strange note being that she is all alone, although other girls are seen walking in the same direction. At the lunch break, after her school instruments fall from her desk and she stays behind to pick them up, she is approached by two girls (Saori and Hana), who ask her if she wants to eat lunch together with them. She nervously and shyly accepts; as they're getting their food, their names are revealed (respectively, Miho Nishizumi, Hana Isuzu and Saori Takebe). While they're eating, Miho declares that she's happy that she made some friends, but when asked by the others about why she transferred to Ooarai Girls Academy alone, she appears uncomfortable and they drop the issue.

Saori: Hey girl, you want to grab some lunch?

Miho: Huh? [realizes she was talking to her] Ah...

Hana: See that, Saori, you startled Nishizumi. You'll make a bad first impression.

Saori: Sorry, I was just trying to be funny.

Hana: Anyway, to repeat the question, if you would like to have lunch with us, we'd both be delighted.

In a dimly-lit room, three girls are heard discussing something and they agree that they will start their plans right away. In class, the three newfound friends deepen their friendship, with Saori revealing her fixation with boys (to the point of thinking of normal greetings as signs of interest), and Miho saying that she envies Hana's calm and mature behavior (to which she gives the reason that she has been doing flower arrangement all her life, although she worries she might be too stiff).

Hana: If she went out of her way to ask you to pick Tankery, you must be some sort of master fighter. Are you a war hero and were to shy to tell us? You don't have to be so humble about it. Tell us about your duels, your rampages, your extortion plots.

Just as Miho thanks them for being friends with her, the three girls from before (revealed to be the Student Council's members) enter the classroom and approach her. Drawing her aside, they assertively tell her that, when she chooses her mandatory elective activity, she should pick Sensha-dō. When Miho's protests, explaining that she believed the school didn't have Sensha-dō on their curriculum, they nonchalantly tell her that it has been reactivated and leave.

Miho is shocked by the encounter, so much that she is sent to the infirmary by the teacher; Hana and Saori, worried, feign being sick as well to reach her.

As soon as they're left alone, Hana and Saori ask Miho about what transpired. Miho eventually admits that she comes from a family with a long tradition of Sensha-dō (a traditional martial art exclusively for girls), but she hasn't got nice memories of it, and therefore came to Ooarai precisely to avoid such an activity. Her friends, now understanding why she reacted that way, tell her that she doesn't have to do it. Just then, the loudspeakers announce that every student should gather in the gym.

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