It's a Fierce Battle! Against the traitor legions, new arrival ultramarines.

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Following the ambush and the loss of Anteater Team, Ooarai's forces regroup on the go and retreat toward Hill 207 under the cover of a smokescreen. Kuromorimine pursues, confident that Ooarai will not be able to get away due to the weak engine of the Tiger (P) slowing them down ascending the hill. However, Ooarai maintains speed while going uphill by having their other tanks tow the Porsche Tiger and throws off Kuromorimine's aim by use of a second smokescreen. Having split off from the main force under cover of the smokescreen, Turtle Team ambushes the Kuromorimine force, blowing the tracks off a Jagdpanther and a Panther before withdrawing, slowing the Kuromorimine attack long enough for Ooarai to adopt defensive positions atop a hill. As the another portal opened up and out comes, black legion and EMPEROR'S CHILDREN with traitor gaurds. As blood angels and kriegsmen fight against the forces of choas some in greater numbers than before. As astartes tanks and regular tanks from their universe show up.

As both teams form a truce, so that they can defeat them. As the Baneblade crew and their tank commander agrees with that, and so the two force will attacked each side the Kuromorimine and kriegsmen will fight against the black legion, while Ooarai Highschool and the Baneblade will fight against the Emperor's Children, with that they will attack.

In the match.

Miho: All tanks, we're doing the Smokey Smokes Plan.

Gustav Zion Wilhelm: Okay!

They use smoke screens.

Yuzu: They're really bombarding each other.

Momo: It's like they're slowly choking each other to death up there.

Anzu It's almost like they predicted that we'd use that location as a stronghold. Well, I guess they would.

And the portal opened up.

Black legion astartes:

Emperor's Children traitor Astartes: Children of the Emperor! Death to his foes! (In mockery of the imperium.) [Mocking tone]

Noise Marines: This quiet offends Slaanesh!

Blood Angel Primaris: For the Emperor and Sanguinius! Death! DEATH!

As they saw them, the noise marines.

As they saw them, the noise marines

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