Counter-attack, Final Battle, Birth of the heroine & Baneblade last stand.

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"As" the battle against the green skins hordes, in unknown planet as she only her team remains while her Vice-commander was taken out by the massive tank, lucky for her, the Vice-commander survive but was captured by the green skins, as the Bane blade fought against green skins tanks, while the world burned all around her, as she feared her mind, as they went inside the ruins of the Church, as she's asking herself if only she could study hard enough if only take her test seriously none of this should be happening, only her team and remaining tanks she had and Bane blade with black Templar and a couple of imperial guards regiment with some ultramarines and Dreadnought, she was afraid as the chaplain noticed her, that she's afraid he set out to tell her and let be inspired by others, as he walked up to her, and he told her about how he defeated green skins, his actions inspired those around him as his words get through her somehow as she, decided not be afraid anymore as she decided to formulate a plan to destroy the massive tank, as she looked at the weakness is four earth World War ii ship turrets, the continuation students have already implanted explosive, but their leader didn't notice it, as he killed them.

In unknown planet.


Momo: What should we do, nishizumi miho's tank is out, where only one remains.

(As fear set in)


Momo: (In Thought.) Their so many of them, why? Are we here, why I was here, it's my fault, if only I could study hard enough if only I take the test seriously if only I could-[ sound of explosion and orks attacking.] I can't take it this anymore! (She screamed.)

As only the Baneblade and the rest of Ooarai and continuation tanks remained. With Baneblade and couple of imperial guards with the black templar.

Guardsman: Oh EMPEROR!

Black Templar: What now?!

Merek Grimaldus: .....

As he walked up to her.

Merek Grimaldus: Momo Kawashima of other earth, I know your afraid, imperial gaurds are afraid but look at them, their Willingness to die for the EMPEROR, against the green skins. You need to be an inspiration for all of them, now your teammates needs you, and the remaining tanks of other school needs you. You are their light in darkness, you will be keep them safe and alive, just believe in yourself and the EMPEROR of mankind, we can put through this, remember your their commander of the tank division be inspired others so that you can an inspiration to other got it.

With that she inspired by his words.

Momo Kawashima: (In thought.) [ I think he's right I have no time for my doubts and fear, I will inspire them all.] Thank you Merek Grimaldus.

With that she hatch a plan.

Momo: So, we need a plan to destroy that thing?

As she look at the binoculars. And see the couple of explosives strap sides of the turret ship of the ratte.

Momo: That's right the turret, we need to detonate the explosives, thanks to mika and rest of her team, we need to denote it. Then we will destroy the tank, once in all.

Gustav Zion Wilhelm: Great plan, we need to distraction.

And so they think couple of idea just then she noticed that the turret needs time to load, for it.

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