Reaching the Climax of Our First Battle! Baneblade 2nd battle 2

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Ooarai's successful ambush of a Saunders tank. After the shock of the ambush, Saunders forces regroup, and Alisa, still wiretapping Ooarai's radio communications, advises Kay to advance to a distant plateau to attack Ooarai tanks who are supposedly there. Kay is shown to be unaware of Alisa's radio tapping. While the Baneblade were the ones who execute it perfectly, as the training of the commissar on them, to be effective imperial gaurds.

In reality, Ooarai's tanks proceed away from the plateau, in search of Saunders' isolated M4A1 flag tank. Just as Kay arrives at the plateau, Duck Team stumbles across the Saunders flag tank, commanded by Alisa.

Duck Team flees from the more heavily armed Sherman, which pursues. Using her volleyball skills, tank commander Noriko Isobe serves smoke charges onto the Saunders flag tank, blinding it; thus blinded, the M4A1 is lured into a trap. All five Ooarai tanks attack it from three directions, but fail to score a fatal hit; the flag tank hurriedly retreats and radios for reinforcement. When her commander demands an explanation for this dramatic change of fortunes, Alisa admits to Kay that she has been tapping into Ooarai radio channels, and that Ooarai may have used it against them. Kay, furious, berates her for the wiretapping, believing that a key element of sensha-dō is fair play; she then chooses to pursue Ooarai with a total of only five of her own tanks, forfeiting Saunders' numerical advantage in atonement for Alisa's sneakiness.

Meanwhile, the M4A1 flag tank is on the run, with Ooarai in hot pursuit. However, just as Ooarai are closing in for the kill, the sound of the 17-pounder gun on the Sherman Firefly signals the arrival of Saunders reinforcements. The Sherman tanks join the chase behind Ooarai. Under fire from both front and back, Miho has Rabbit Team and Duck Team cover the rear, whilst the remaining tanks continue to focus on the Saunders flag tank.

Naomi, the gunner of the Sherman Firefly, immobilises both the Type 89B and the M3 Lee in quick succession, and the Ooarai crews begin to panic. However, Miho rallies the commanders: Her determination strengthens their flagging morale.

As the chase proceeds around the base of a ridge, Anglerfish Team splits off to ascend the ridge, seeking an exposed, but offensively advantageous sniping position on the high ground. Naomi follows in an attempt to stop them, yet misses her first shot. At the crest of the ridge, Hana, likening the focus required in tank gunnery to that of flower arranging, lines up her target.

The Panzer IV and the Firefly fire at the same moment. Hana's shot flies true, and immobilises the M4A1 flag tank just as the Panzer IV is knocked out as well. With the Saunders flag tank showing the white flag, Ooarai Girls High School is accorded the victory.

After the match, Kay greets Miho with unexpected camaraderie and admiration, complimenting her on an exciting match and apologizing for Alisa's radio tapping. Miho, in turn, acknowledges that their victory was because Saunders pursued with even numbers, and that they would otherwise have lost.

Whilst Saunders departs, Mako Reizei receives a phone call informing her that her grandmother, Hisako Reizei, has collapsed and has been transferred to hospital. The school carrier is some distance from the port of Ooarai, and Mako, desperate, resolves to get there even if it means swimming back to the mainland. At that moment Maho Nishizumi intervenes, offering the use of the Kuromorimine helicopter that she used to come and watch the match. Erika is shocked by Maho's generosity to a team they view as inferior, but Maho quiets her, pointing out that this is another aspect of sensha-dō. Miho thanks her sister, but Maho does not acknowledge the gratitude.

Arisa: Head to high point 128.

Kei: What's going on?

Arisa: It looks like all enemy tanks are going to head there.

Kei: Hey, Arisa, are you sure about that? How do you know that's what's going on?

Arisa: Trust me, this is a slam dunk.

Meanwhile in the realm of TZEENTCH.

As TZEENTCH is watching the match, he is not happy in that development, he as he thinks, and ponders his next scheme, he come at new plan he will ask Khorne, nurgle, and slaanesh for their help with plan, and so he went to each chaos gods for his help, which they agreed with him, and so they gather their forces to stop the Bane blade for every winning the next match.

Meanwhile back in match.

The Baneblade is winning the match, is going to enemy tanks.

Kei: No one's here!

Arisa: That can't be. Wait, did they trick us? Where are Oarai's tanks then?

[one of Oarai's tanks appears next to her]

Noriko Isobe: Back way!

They back way.

Arisa: This tough Sherman isn't going to go down. Fifty thousand of these things were build, countries couldn't stop buying them. They were built strong, never broke down, not to mention they're really comfortable. The controls are so simple an idiot could drive this thing.

Saunders Gunner: If I can speak freely here, your words aren't very reassuring at the moment.

Yuzu: Momo-chan, you keep missing.

Momo: Shut up!

Enginseer Beta-0982: Probably your machine spirit is upset!?

Momo Kawashima: And you...... nevermind.

Takeko: A tank filled with holes, for that is what we shall be, boom we go.

Takako: It's not the time for a parting haiku.

Miho: Everyone calm down. Stay calm and continue your attack. The enemy is firing while moving as well. The chance of them hitting us is low. Focus on hitting their flag tank. We need to seize this chance. We win if we can just hit them, we lose if we give up.

Gustav Zion Wilhelm: She right, god emperor is with us, never falter. As long as you have faith in God Emperor! We will win.

Everyone: FOR THE EMPEROR!!!!

Hana: If I focus just like when I do flower arrangements.

Yukari: Loading complete.

Miho: Make it happen, please.

Hana: Fire.

While that's happening Baneblade took out half of Saunders tanks, as they save the students from destruction of their tanks.

After the match.

Kay: Are you the commander?

Miho: Huh, well, yes.

Kei: Exciting. [she hugs Miho] I never thought I'd be able to have a match like this.

Miho: Say...

Kei: What is it?

Miho: Why did you only come after us with four tanks?

Kei: I matched our numbers to the number of tanks you had.

Miho: But why?

Kei: Because that's Tankery. This isn't war. The tanks would be sad if we forgot that, you know.

As she stares at the tank commander of the Baneblade. She extended her hands of friendship to Gustav Zion Wilhelm. And he shake it, as she left.

TZEENTCH laughing maniacally as his plan to make the Baneblade crew to doubt in their faith on anathema.

Next Time: Anzio is the Next Up! Third battle of the Baneblade. Anzio match

A/N: I'm going to write parts 3 at same time so hopefully you can enjoy reading it.

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