𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 13

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Jimin flinches when a hand lands on his shoulder.

He turns away from the computer and looks over his shoulder only to see Jungkook looking at him with a cold, impassive face.

"G-good morning Jungkook," says Jimin and forces a smile.

"Where is Yoongi?" asks Jungkook in a cold voice.

"He is in my apartment."

Jungkook nods and bends forward.

"May I talk to you...somewhere private," whispers Jungkook in his ear making Jimin gulp.

"S-sure we can talk in my friend's office. He isn't here today."

Jungkook nods and follows him to the office. Jungkook closes the door and blinds for more privacy.

"Let's get straight to the point. I want you to stay away from my Hyung."

Jimin grimace, totally caught off guard by the unexpected request - well more like a demand.


Jungkook rolls his eyes and step closer to him.

"Are you deaf? I said stay away from Yoongi," says Jungkook with a scowl on his face.

"No, I will not. Why should I listen to you?"

Jungkook take another few steps forward making Jimin step back until he feels the wall against his back.

"You should listen to me because I know what best for my Hyung," Jungkook flushes angrily.

"Aren't you the one who started an argument with Yoongi yesterday?"


Jungkook hit wall beside Jimin's face causing him to wince.

"It isn't that difficult, just stay away from Yoongi. You're being a bad influence on him. And I don't like it. Do you understand?" says Jungkook in a threatening voice making Jimin shiver.

"Y-yes I do. I'm sorry. I d-didn't mean to start an argument between you two."

Tears slip out of Jimin's eyes, surprising Jungkook. He backs away from Jimin, feeling a force of guilt hit him.

Seeing that he has backed away, Jimin makes a run for it.

Jungkook was about to chase after him but stops at the door and watches as Jimin goes into the elevator.

"What are you looking at?" asks Jungkook to the old lady staring at him, most likely wondering why Jimin ran off like that.

She flinches a little and turns back to her computer. Jungkook rolls his eyes and goes back to his desk.

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