𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 23

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“Tae, look we have arrived.” Jungkook says and they look out of the window.

Pass the clouds they can see the buildings that appear small enough that they can pick them up with their fingers. The little red flashes of cars as they stop at the traffic lights. Tiny houses arranged neatly along winding roads, and neighborhoods are separated by large patches of grass. The city seems like a diagram, modeling the layout of how a city should be designed and built. The city of Busan.

Jungkook watches as the familiar houses pass by. The entire city evokes nostalgia in him.

A shiver runs down his spine when they drive past his former high school. Jungkook close his eyes and sighs. Seven years later, he still hates that place.

“According to Google Maps we have reached our destination,” says Taehyung and Jungkook steps out of the car.

The modern house is beauty in concrete. It is clean straightness and white. The big windows that promise bold light inside. Just like Jungkook remembers.

“I’ll wait in the car.” Taehyung says and Jungkook gives him a nod.

Jungkook made his way to the front door and lifts his hands up to the doorbell. He takes a deep breath before pushing the button.

The doorbell echo though the house and footsteps can be heard. Jungkook looks up when the door swings open.

Here he is. Just as beautiful as before. He didn’t age a day.

“Can I help you-“

Jin freezes when he makes eye contact with the stranger.

“Jungkook?” asks Jin, staring at Jungkook with big eyes.

Jungkook nods and Jin immediately brings him into his embrace. Jungkook hugs him back and they stay like this for a minute.

Jin suddenly breaks the hug and then cradle Jungkook’s face with his hands.

“M-my Jungkookie?” Jin whispers and looks at Jungkook like he doesn’t believe that he is real.

“Yes, it’s me. I’m home,” says Jungkook making Jin’s eyes fill with tears.

“You’re r-really here. Oh my gosh, come inside.”

The two step inside and Jungkook closes the door behind him.

“You- Where have…you-”

Jin stops taking and grabs onto the counter, suddenly feeling lightheaded.

“Are you okay?”

Jungkook steps closer just in time to catch Jin before he could fall on the floor.

He lifts Jin up and carries him in bridal style to the couch. After gentle placing him on the couch Jungkook goes to the kitchen to get some water for his mother.

Jungkook hands the glass of water to him, and Jin slowly drinks the water.

Jungkook places his hand on Jin’s forehead and is relieved that he doesn’t have a fever.

“Are you alright?” ask Jungkook and receives a nod from Jin.

“I don’t- Where have you been? Why-”

“Hey, slow down,” says Jungkook and pulls his mother into a hug.

“I will answer all your questions as soon as dad arrives.”

Jin stays in his son’s embrace until he hears the front door open.

“Honey, I’m home.”

Jungkook stands up hearing the familiar voice and Jin goes to his husband.

“Joon, come see!” yells Jin and takes Namjoon’s hand.

“Is something wrong?” ask Namjoon as Jin drags him to the living room.

“No, Joon look!”

Namjoon stops in his tracks and stares at Jungkook without even blinking.

After a few seconds he steps closer. Jungkook gulps, expecting Namjoon to start shouting at him.

But to his surprise, Namjoon pulls him in for bone crushing hug.

“My son. You came back.”

“Yes, and I got a whole lot of explaining to do.”

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