Chapter 5

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Diego and Sid looks up at the female in shock as Sid walks up and says " well, shave me down and call me a mole rat. You found another mammoth" then i said " yeah we did and she's an pretty interesting mammoth". Then Diego walks next to me as she looks around saying " where? Wait a minute I thought mammoths were extinct." We stare at her what do she mean SHE'S a mammoth, then she said " what are you looking at me for?".

Manny- " I don't know. Maybe because you're a mammoth".

Female- " Me?! don't be ridiculous I'm not a mammoth. I'm a possum."

Manny- " right, good one. I'm a newt this is my friend the badger and she's a beaver, my other friend the platypus." He said as he pointed at each of us as Sid says " why do I got to be the platypus? Make him the platypus". He said pointing to Diego then the two possums climb onto the female tusk them glaring at us as one of them says " this guy giving you trouble, sis".

All- " SIS?!" Wow didn't see that coming. Then she says " that's right, these are my brothers. Possum, possum, possum". She said as she points to the possums that's on her tusks and then pointed at herself at the end.

Manny- " I don't think her tree goes all the way to the top branch". He said as he looks down at us as I whispered " Manny that wasn't very nice thing to say about her" I said with a frown as he looks down at me " what it's true". I sighed as the three smiled at us as Sid says " Manny, brink of extinction is a bad time to be picky. Hey, she should come with us". I smiled and said " yeah that's a great idea" finally a girl to join our herd so I won't be the only girl surrounded by boys. Sid then says " thanks Mira" and then Manny says " are you insane? No way" then Sid says " okay". I turn to Manny and said " she should and I love you guys but I'm tired of being the only female in this herd". Manny stares at me thinking as Sid walks over to the female and her brothers, says " Manny wants me to ask you if you'd like yo escape the flood with us". He said with a smile and I smiled also as I walk next to Sid saying " yes please join us it'll be fun". I smile at them as I hear Manny " what?" Then the two possums walk up to Diego and one of them says " I'd rather be roadkill". They glared at Diego as he says " that can be arranged" they continue to glare at each other as I rolled my eyes. Diego gets riled up to easily....well I'm not much better....but I've got better at it...kind of. Then the female laughs nervously as she pulls her brothers away while saying " Ha!funny let me have a little word with my brothers". They leave as i turn around and look at the boys as Manny smacks Sid in the back of his head as Sid says " ow!".

Manny- " why did you invite them?" He glared at Sid getting close to his face.

Sid- " because you might be the only two mammoths left on earth".

Me- " I just wanted another female in the herd but I don't mind that idea either"

Diego- " he's right"

Manny looks at us and says " I'm sorry. When did I join this dating service?" He glared at us.

Female- " my brothers and I would be delighted to come with you". She smile as I smile back yay finally a female friend. Then I hear manny says " oh" then one of the possums walks up to Diego and says " if you treat us nicely" then Diego growls at him as the possum said "see that? That's the total opposite of nice". Then Diego says " maybe we'll have ourselves a little snack before we hit the road". He said as he turns around and walk away then the other possum walks up and says " you want a piece of us? Let's go" oh no this won't end well. Then I see the possums start attacking Diego and Sid as I try not to laugh out loud at them. Then all of a sudden the ground start shaking, we all froze and when it stopped Diego spits out one of the possums.

Manny- " okay thanks to Sid, Mira mostly Sid we're now traveling together. Like it or not we're gonna be one big happy family, I'll be the daddy. Elli will be the mommy, and Diego will be the uncle who eats the kids who get on my nerves". Diego smirk down at the possums at what Manny said then Manny says "Now let's move it before the ground falls out from under our feet" Manny start walking away and the possums get on Ellie's tusks as they watch Manny walk behind them. Then Ellie whispers to her brothers " I thought fat guys were supposed to be jolly". Manny heard her and says " hey, I'm not fat. It's this fur, it makes me look big" I chuckled when Manny said that then he said " it's poofy". He said as he start walking away then I hear Ellie says " [ chuckles] oh, okay" then she whisperers to her brothers " he's fat". Haha I can tell that we'll be great friends me and Ellie, I thought as I walk next to her.

After walking for a while we make it to the other animals. I was now walking close to Manny and the others as I hear stuff from behind me and I turn around, I see the possums and Ellie hiding while moving around. What are they doing? Then I see Ellie coming from behind a rock and hid behind a tree. As Manny turns around rolling his eyes as he says " oh, we'll never make it at this pace...Ellie,it's okay you can lose the camouflage. Your safe" he then turns around as I watch her as I hear her say " Crash, Eddie, you two go scope it out" she said as she pokes her head out as she looks up at her brothers. I turn around and slowly start walking as Ellie comes out while looking up at the sky. Then I hear one of the possums yelled " Hawk!" And next thing I hear was a thump. As me and Manny comes back as Manny looks down at her confused saying " what are you doing?".

Ellie- " playing dead"

I was thinking she didn't really have to do that it's not like the Hawk could carry her. Then Sid walks over to Manny and says " Manny, why don't you do that?" I rolled my eyes as Manny yells " because I'm a mammoth". Then Sid says " but you'd do it for treats, right?" Then I said " really Sid? Don't say that ever again". Then Ellie says " is he gone?" Manny and me look up, when we see the bird leaving we look down at her and Manny says " you're safe. Get up" Ellie and the possums stands up as Ellie says " whew! Oh, man if you weren't here, that hawk would've swooped down and snatched me up for dinner. That's how cousin Wilton went". She said as Crash, Eddie helps her up and they start walking away. Sid then whistles as he had his claw pointed to his head and made it go in circles as Manny and me glares at him. I then said " Sid that's not nice".

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