A normal day

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Sometimes I regret being a genius and creating my own company. why did I create this company again. oh yeah. I wanted to give a job to people who like art, science, design and fashion and to get dads love and approval. 

Oh before I forget I am a meta-human that my dad accidently created, my powers are telekinesis, elemental control and I can show my emotions through the colour of my hair and eyes. cool am I right. It's the same as with the kids but they have the same power as their father villain Reverb, he works for Zoom, i really didn't expect this and didn't know until a month ago. I cut all ties and contact with him and divorced him immediately. I know that he won't hurt me or the kids but i worry that we will be caught in the cross-fire and have the kids get hurt. It also doesn't help that I am a hero. I just didn't want to fight him if i ever do i just have so much anger towards him i might kill him or do something i may regret.

Due to this and meta-humans existing I have a special department in my company where we have specialist help and research people (with consent) with power to gain control and be comfortable to be around other people and put them on the right path, like the flash. I tried to hunt down Zoom after what he did to earn that horrible name like I could name better but who am I to judge back to the point is that I couldn't track or find him.

Mainly because i really need to keep the city safe for Jesse and Dad, i don't know what i will do if they get hurt because of me. Right you guys don't know. I am the Flash's partner, Mistress NOVA. 

I just hope he would love me even though I am not like Jesse and him. I agree with him that Jesse is amazing but what am I to him. Does he even LOVE ME. Jess always says that he does but we are  just so busy that I cant see that or even try to spend time together, but i do try  however he is spending time with Jess and always says we would hang out next time. That "Next time" NEVER COMES! Today it's the 20th November my birthday, yay I am now 17 and it's nearly Christmas . It's not like he would remember or care enough about it.

Its late like really late and I just left my office and made sure that everyone left to go home as I care about their well being as they are like my own makeshift family. once I make sure that everyone is gone i head home slowly as humanly possible as prefer being at work than at home without Jesse there. Jesse is at university in a different city. on the way home i pick up a small cake and small pizza for me because I still need to treat myself on my birthday.

As i enter the house, I looked around for dad hoping that he would remember but to my luck he is still at work. sigh" Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to me" i sing as i walk up to my room with tears running down my face. I slide down the door and light up the candle on my amazing birthday cake and stare at it for it , whispering " I just want dad's love and for him to be proud of what I have achieved" as I blow the candle. As I was eating my cold dinner I started weeping with my hair and eyes a royal blue now.  

Now that is enough about today and my company

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