The day it happened!

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It was a normal day, I was working, with the kids in their play room next to my office with the News playing the background. Until i heard about and attack on Jesse's collage, the reporters showed her phone and i saw dad calling her. i was petrified for her, dad and my kids. If Zoom wants something to do with MY FAMILY, i should have protected her or sensed Zoom was going to do something with my family and hold it against me or Dad. 

Before i could do anything to save or help dad finding Jesse there he was with Dad in my office and Jesse in his grasp, with her terrified for her life. I screamed and ran to get my Kids but Zoom vibrated his hand and held it to her heart. I froze, scared of what he will do to my kids and dad or Jesse. "What do you want from her?!" i shouted and demanded for answers.

" I want you both to fix me or i will kill her." He said in that freaky voice, it made me shiver and cringe. "Okay, i will do anything" Dad agreed. "Kathy Nova Wells or should i say Mistress Nova, what do you say" 

"Okay, Okay just don't hurt her please. I am begging you please give her back. I'll even give you my powers. Just don't hurt her." I begged and cried to Zoom but he sped off with Jesse. i fell to me knees trembling, staring at where Zoom and Jesse were. But after a minute, i ran to the kids play room and hugged them and checked if they were hurt with tears running down my face fearing the worst that they would be gone like Jesse or like my mom.  

A minute later, dad came in and stared at me and the kids. In tears i asked " What-what should we do to get Jesse back. Oh MY GOD, It's all my fault." I started to pace back and questioned "I should never have become a hero, Oh why do I do these thing, I should take the kids to the safe house, yeah that will keep them safe, good keep it on lock down and have them close to me" 

"Kathy. Kathy. Oh my God, KATHY FOR GODS SAKE CALM DOWN!" Dad shouted to get my attention, scaring the kids in doing so causing them to start crying and run away , well more like waddle away, and hide behind me frightened of dad." WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU EXPECT ME TO DO, BE CALM AND GO HOME AND NOT WORRY THAT IT WILL BE MY FAULT IF THEY GET KILLED EITHER FROM ZOOM OR REVERB THEIR FATHER. WHAT DO YOU THINK I CAN DO!" I screamed back at him picking up the kids and walking away to get the kids to the safe house away from Zoom and all of Central City.

"If you want to find Jesse I uh need your help. I NEED mistress Nova, I need my little SuperNova." dad pleaded with tears running down his cheeks. "Okay, Okay I'll help but just so you will know nothing will be the same as it used to be when i was younger and DON'T call me that, the person who I thought would care and love me for the rest of my live was only allowed to call me that, they were only Mom, Jesse and my Dad, who you are not that Man because he died the same day mom died. Now lets go to S.T.A.R Labs and find Zoom and if we don't we find a way to go to another earth probably one without our double gangers and  we get their help as they maybe able to help us." I commanded with everything I got to not break down with dad walking behind me with tears running down his face. 

"I can help you carry on of the kids you are babysitting." Dad offered which i accepted as i am extremely tired "I don't think you heard me correctly when i screamed at you, they are both my kids that i gave birth at the age of 24."i say softly as my throat is very sore from all the shouting as i handed Tessa to him." I uh what are their names and how old are they?" Dad asked curiously "they are both 2 years old and their names are Tessa and Harrison Wells and yes they are named after you and mom. Oh the father is Cisco Ramon aka Reverb, by the way that is a horrible villain name along with 'Zoooooom' it's stupid." I ranted about the kids as we entered S.T.A.R. Labs.

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