
12 3 0

"" = speaking 

'' = thinking

Today we are going to Earth-1. Another earth, cool am i right. yes it is very cool and awesome but under the circumstances it is not cool. Also going to another earth with two meta human babies/toddlers is the worst idea ever.

" why can't we leave the Harry and Tess with a friend or a Godfather/mother unless the don't have one that also okay, they could have a babysitter." Dad said as he got his gun and other things ready to go to earth-1.

"*SIGH* Dad you know i can't leave them here, I am terrified if Zoom or Reverb gets their hands on the kids. I ALSO don't trust anyone with my BABIES!" I say worried about the kids as I pack toys, diapers, clothes, bottles and the kids favourite thing that they almost killed me for when I took them away. Dangerous little things. 

Over the time me and Dad have been trying to find Jesse, we able to tolerate the other and have become close but not as close he is to Jesse. 'It is always Jesse this and Jesse that, is Jesse okay oh God she must be so scared. Like we get it dad she is your joy and the light of your life, your just putting up with me just so we can get her back it also helps that i am also the flash's partner and may be able to lure Zoom but we had no luck with that so far. this is ridiculous.'

As i have finished packing, we headed to the breach and went into it.

As we come out the other end we arrive at S.T.A.R. Labs. 'This is very trippy, this is basically S.T.A.R. Labs but run down and abandoned. we need a place to stay' 

"Hey dad, if we are here we need to get to the apartment get to know this Earth cause this is S.T.A.R. Labs but abandoned so we don't know what could be here and things are different here compared to our Earth." I say as I look around and keep the kids safely strapped to my chest only to see them asleep. I kissed their heads and turned to dad. 

I saw he wasn't paying attention to what I said.' Of course, better wait for dad to snap out of it and asking him to stay at the apartment I bought a while ago when i was testing the is always good to think ahead.' 

"Hey dad?" I say breaking dad from his thoughts and asked him" Um, do you want to stay at the apartment i bought it is big enough for all four of us and the rooms are soundproof so you won't hear the twins crying in the middle of the night , um, only i will and before you ask i came here on this earth when i was testing the machine and did some research and found some facts and bought an apartment and did you know your doubleganger actually killed someone, like someone's mother." I rambled in one breath. 

When i turned to look at dad he was just staring at me "What?"


'is that all your gonna say. And would you look at that he left me all alone in this creepy ass place. TCH'

As we exited the building and walked to the apartment we saw Grodd.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2022 ⏰

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