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Why do I always have to clean up their mess?

Why am I the only one that's stressed?

Why, when I make a mess of my own,

It's somehow worse than the rest?

Yeah, I'm so well behaved,

The best kid with a death wish,

That's what they say.

I wash and wash and wash away,

Cleaning up what they leave behind,

All of their mistakes,

Who is going to clean up mine?

As I look around the room,

Not a thing out of place,

I'd wonder if they'd notice if I was gone,

Or if I'd just get replaced.

Why am I the only one that cares,

Why do they give me those stares,

They think I'm clueless,

But, I know about all their affairs.

So I will clean once more,

I'll leave them a house,

That they can not ignore,

I watch their faces as they walk through the door,

And find me lying on the floor.

Poems: A Tour Through My MindWhere stories live. Discover now