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Sorry for the interruption

But I just had to ask

How did you pick the cast?

Excuse me for the intrusion

But I just had to know

How is your little show?

Pardon my disruption

But I just had to see

How did you pick me?

Was it my acting?

My way with words?

Did I get the lines just right?

Well the play is done

The curtains closed

You think I didn't know?

You manipulated my life.

With your own special script

A page full of tricks

We all know you're addicted to the screen.

I saw you from the seats

Preforming on the stage

Breaking down the scene piece by piece.

As they say practice makes perfect

And I have got all I need

Now it's time for the finale

And you're the lead

The audience applauds

Everyone can see

An actor is all you'll ever be.

Poems: A Tour Through My MindWhere stories live. Discover now