Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 – The game is afoot


-17's POV- (At the same time Anton is having his speech...)

After spending some time hiding behind bushes and what not, Mike and I started our journey once more. We were walking down the dirt road, however this time, clearly more paranoid.

After all, what if that little beast isn't far from our position?

„...this is madness..." Mutters Mike.

„I can't believe we just left Paul to die..." I say, more to myself than anything.

„What other choice did we have? That little girl... monster... whatever it was, was no push over!" States Mike.

„We could have tried to help him!" I say a tad bit louder, in an agitated voice.

„How!? With that knife!? Hell naw! We need a shotgun at the very least for that monster!" Says Mike, who stopped moving and turned around to look me in the eyes.

„If I wasn't so generous as to carry ya ass you wouldn't stand here right now." Says Mike, slowly calming down.

„..." Silence befalls the atmosphere.

*sigh* Listen." Says Mike, placing a hand on my shoulder.

„I am still dead tired after running for dear life with you on my back." Says Mike, as he continue talking.

„I haven't really slept for a while, and I just saw someone who we just recently met be torn to shit." Mike goes on.

„So, to keep it short..."

„Once we get access to a phone, we will call the police, alright?" Finishes Mike, putting his hand off my shoulder.



„Wait! A phone!" I suddenly exclaim, maybe a bit too loud.

„Shush! Are you asking to be jumped!?" Mike quietly whispers to me while looking around us. Once he is sure no one is coming, he returns his attention to me and waits for me to speak.

„Why don't we just use our phones?"



„Hmm, not a bad idea..." Says Mike, rubbing his chin.

„Only issue is, I don't have mine on me. I also can't seem to recall where I left it..." Says Mike, starting to think about something.

„In retrospect, I appear to not be able to remember the events prior to when everyone started introducing each other..." Says Mike, getting lost in thought.

„Now that you mention it..." I agree with Mike. Something feels off...

„A-Anyways, let me try to call for help." I say and bring out my cell phone, revealing it to the world.

As I go ahead and try to call the police I quickly notice one major issue.

„Huh... No signal." I say as I lower my head in disappointment.

„Well, we ARE in the middle of a forest, possibly far away from any kind of civilization." States Mike.

„Yeah, not only that, but I also am only at eleven percent battery..." I said right after I checked when I tried to desperately get a signal.

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