No-one Ending

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No-one Ending – Anton decides to side with no-one, and resolve it himself.

-Anton Drevov's POV- (Human Village, two hours before disaster strikes...)




„...You know what? No. I'm not doing this."

Everyone appeared stunned, except Johann.

„...What do you mean, my Vozhd?"

Mr. A was starting to get slowly irritated, but I was about to tell all of them that I had enough.

„I'm not playing this stupid "make a choice" game with you. All this time, it feels like I never did anything by myself other than cause trouble. I always had to rely on someone to drag me out of the hole I myself have dug. Not anymore."

Taking in a deep breath as I close my eyes, I release it and slowly open my eyes before speaking once more.

„I caused this mess. So I am going to be the one to carry the responsibility for it. Whether I succeed or fail... doesn't matter. Its time I fight this war of mine with my own two hands, not a strangers ones."

Silence fills the room, my little speech seemed to stun everyone, possibly even Johann.

Mennini was surprised a little, but I could feel that he still was slightly disappointed.

Mr. A was angry about it, but too, mostly just disappointed while also thinking about something.

Johann to my surprise, seemed impressed more than anything else.

„I understand if you feel disappointed by this. I understand if you worry about the war and everything going on. But, I promise you. I will fix this. Somehow..."



„What a joke... I better go tell my members to go prepare for the worst."

Mr. A shook his head and turned around to walk away.

He seemed to have calmed down, I won't blame him if he hates me now.

„Anton, I respect your dedication by trying to help everyone by being the one to fix your own mess... However, this just sadly won't be enough."

I understood what Mennini meant. One single person couldn't fix such a problem all alone.


And he was right.

I knew I wouldn't be able to fix it. But I also knew that regardless who I would have sided with, I doubt much would have changed.

This is not because I hope to achieve victory by myself. This is because I hope that only I will be punished.

If I get the blame all on myself, then maybe everyone else... Mennini, Johann...even Mr. A... could be spared.

That's the least I can do to try and fix things. ...It's also the only thing I can do at the moment.

„I'm going to try and talk things out when someone arrives or attacks. Maybe I can help in a way, if that's okay."

Deciding that I would stay silent as I turned around to look at the map of Gensokyo, I could only hear footsteps slowly moving away from behind me after a short while.

Now I am all alone...

„Impressive. Truly Impressive."


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