Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 – Night of the Long Pikes (Part 1)

-Mike Victorn's POV- (Present time)

Night has already creeped in and we barely even managed to look around for a place to spend the night in. The fact how angry I was didn't help at all. Why... Why would that idiot do that?

Why would he bother taking over a village he has ZERO relations to?

Why just not get the hell out of here like I am trying to? Does common sense truly mean nothing anymore? It just didn't make any sense...


Upon hearing 17 speak up, I snap out of my inner ramblings and look to my side, where 17 walks along with me.

„Say, why does it matter that Anton did what he did?" 17 asks.

„...I just have a bad feeling." I answer. I answer honestly. Ever since Anton introduced himself, my gut immediately rang all the bells and placed down all the red flags for me. Something was... too fishy about this guy.

Before we are able to continue on with the topic, we notice something particular.

Or rather, something familiar...

„"Kirisame-ya second-hand shop"...?" Questions 17.

Next to us stands tall a store like house, with a faint light coming from inside.

We quickly look at each other, nod, and proceed to try and let the owner of it know, that we would like to discuss about the possibility of being sheltered for the night as well as ask some questions about a certain... black and white...


„Hang on." I stop in my step, 17 doing so shortly after.

„What's the matter?" 17 inquired.

„If Gensokyo is in Japan, how come we are able to read the text?"



„Come to think of it, how are we able to interact with the natives..." 17 adds.



*sigh* Know what, I just can't bother with logic any longer, let's just move on..." I say, continuing our original thought.

We knock on the door and wait. After a few moments, we can hear footsteps approaching the door, before it slides open, revealing a man who, unsurprisingly, appears to own this place.

„What do you want?" The man asks, suspicious of the late interruption. Knowing darn well almost nobody comes around during these hours unless it was something specific.

„Greetings, sir. If I may ask, could it be possible for us to spend the night here? We are Outsiders and we-"

„So? What about it?" The man interrupts me.

„...W-We don't have any money and we jus-" 17 continued, before again, being cut off by the man.

„Ain't my problem." The man says, before attempting to slide the door close, but is stopped by me, placing my foot firmly in the door frame, rendering the odds of the door sliding to zero.

„Mr. Kirisame, right?" I ask for confirmation.

The man stops moving and looks me in the eyes.

„Yeah, that's me. Now please, remove your foot." Mr. Kirisame patiently orders.

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