Chapter 1- Pathetic Energetic

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Just make it up
'Cause I'm awake
All night long
To the drums of the city rain
And brother if you have the chance to pick me up?
And can I sleep
On your couch
To the pound of the ache and pain?
Oh, in my head
'Cause I'm awake
All night long
- Brother • Gerard Way

"What's it to you what I am?" James Pevensie had practically snarled at the Hendon House boys surrounding him. There were seven or so, all stockier than he, with darker features. Though James was tall, he wouldn't be able to battle them on his own.

  "Well, it matters to us if you're gonna go peakin' in at us, don't it boys?" There was a rowdy cheer as their leader, Jimmy McTavish, pulled for a fight.

  "I'm not gonna peak." The blonde boy threatened. "I don't care about that."

     James turned from the street, not wanting to be close to them any longer than he had to. He ran past a few cars, gangly, scarred figure unmistakable as he crossed over into the train station. The boys followed, their chants and cheers echoing in the cool December air.

    As his leather weighed against his torso, hitting against the scratchy uniform James was forced to wear, he passed a friend of his. Harvey Gallagher.

     Over the last year, which had been difficult to adjust to, James made his first real friends. This might be because they weren't from Finchley like everyone else, but Cornwall, and so met the blonde haired, dark eyed Pevensie boy as his best, rather than his worst. It was Harvey and his younger brother of a year, Alfie, who constantly kept James company: he couldn't have thanked them more.

  "Alright, James?" Harvey questioned as he joined the boy, walking side by side. They were a similar height, but it was Harvey's dark hair which curled that set him apart from the rest.

  "Could be better." Admitted James.

     The two continued to converse as they walked towards the platform. It seemed that Jimmy McTavish and his gang followed them the entire way. As, when they began to run down the steps, James was pushed face first into the tiled wall. He groaned, leaning back his head, and flipping his body to face the group.

  "Harvey..." the blonde said, taking off his blazer and satchel, pushing it in the direction of the boy. The elder of the two nodded, stepping out of the way. "Look," James said to Jimmy. "I don't want any trouble."

  "Sure about that?" The stocky boy stepped further towards the gangly blonde.

  Chuckling a little to himself, James stayed put. A seventeen-year-old boy was the least frightening thing that he'd seen through his life. Stuffing his hands into his pockets, James smiled as he spoke. "Yeah, pretty sure."

  Without warning, a fist flew into the Pevensie boys jaw, knocking him back with the impact. Pain was immediate, but only dull. The force, in reality, wasn't strong. Instinctively, James reached up to touch the place of effect, wincing slightly. It may bruise, but not drastically. Maybe he'd be able to hide it from his sisters. "Fucking hell."

  "Too much for ya, ya-" Jimmy paused a moment as his gang surrounded James. He knew then that they'd fight, no matter what came out of the boys mouth.

  "Go on, then." The blonde egged him on. "Say it, if you're so tough."

  "Ya poof."

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