Chapter 12- Peter's A Bitch

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You gotta help me, I'm losin' my mind
Keep gettin' the feeling you wanna leave this all behind
Thought we were goin' strong, I thought we were holdin' on
Aren't we?
No, they don't teach you this in school
Now my heart's breakin' and I don't know what to do
Thought we were goin' strong, thought we were holdin' on
Aren't we?
- History • One Direction

In James' first Narnian life, he was the leader of the people. He may not have been apart of the army, not until it came to fighting, but he was in charge of those who mattered.

    Since arriving back home, the Pevensie's had never seen James that way again. When his magic disappeared and scars faded, the blonde boy lost apart of himself. They never thought it would come back. The Gallaghers hadn't even witnessed James be so strong, but upon arriving in Narnia, they'd seen so many things they never thought they would.

    This was when James took charge. This was when he thrived.

     Standing in the centre of the tomb, James knew all eyes were on him. However, that didn't matter. With his scythe, he banged the ground, and silence followed.

  "One of our lookouts spotted something today," the rumble of chatter began, but again he hit the floor. "Before there is any speculation- i feel obliged to tell you, it was a Telmarine spy."

  Whispers of surprise laced the air, layering into one great mass of noise. "Telmarines?"

  "Quiet!" Commanded the King. "There is a reason you are all being told. You wouldn't be if it wasn't necessary-"

  "It's only a matter of time!" Peter interrupted: James scowled fiercely. Okay his wasn't Peter's time to speak. This was his. "Miraz's men and war machine will be on their way. That means those same men aren't protecting his castle."

  The elder blonde warned, lowly. "Peter- be quiet."

  Unknowingly, Reepicheep spoke out. "What do you propose we do, your Majesty?"

  Peter have a side-eye to his brother, seeming to think it over. Then, he spoke. "We need to get ready for it."

  However, he wasn't the only one to speak. Caspian also said. "To start planning for..."

  The Prince shied away as Peter retaliated. "Our only hope is to strike them before they strike us!"

  "Is it?" Scoffed James, folding his arms.

  "That's crazy, no one has ever taken that Castle." Proclaimed Caspian, softly. It seemed he was sort of afraid to stand up now- but knew he had to.

  "Well," he snarled. "There's always a first time."

  Trumpkin tried to contribute, but did so, discretely. "We'll have the element of surprise."

  "But we have the advantage here!" Exclaimed Caspian, exasperated.

  Susan joined the battle against Peter. "If we dig in, we could probably hold them off indefinitely." A hurt expression crossed the second brother, and he frowned with melancholy eyes.

  "I don't pretend to know the logistics of battles or wars..." James trailed, spitefully. "but attacking first never got us anywhere. Remember Peter?" 


  "Or, maybe, you don't remember as I was always the one to be struck first." The blonde gestures broadly to the thick scars that had bonded his skin. They were hideous, though apart of him. They were all caused by Peter's stupid, boyish decisions. "Some brother you claim to be."

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