Chapter 19- The Proposition

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Hey, you're okay
Same shit, but it's a different day
Hey, you're okay
Now listen, I can't be everything
It's me or the medicine
- Medicine • Artist vs Poet

It was no secret that James Pevensie had a favourite brother. He had tried to hide it, and managed it successfully for quite some time. However, with all of the arguments in recent days, it was easy to see where loyalties lay. Peter's were not with his family; only himself.

    Even if James had once hidden it, he couldn't anymore. Edmund cared, and that was all that needed to be said.

     Maybe that was why the High King was most against the new plan. Despite trusting Caspian, and the honour of Telmarine's as warriors, James couldn't find it in himself to not be nervous. Things could always go wrong: things always went wrong.

     That's why they had protection for the young King. Glenstorm has bravely put himself forward to escort Edmund, as has one of the giants. James owed them; and he would most definitely repay them.

     The dark haired King was brought to a tent, where all of the Telmarine Lords were. There, in the middle, dressed in full Narnian armour, he unravelled a scroll.

     "I, James, by the gift of Aslan, by election and by conquest, High King of Narnia, Lord of Cair Paravel, Knight of the most noble order of the table, and Emporer of the Lone Islands, in order to prevent the abominable effusion of blood, do hereby challenge the usurper Miraz to single combat upon the field of battle. The fight shall be to the death. The reward shall be total surrender."

     Miraz looked upon Edmund as if he were a bug, scuttling on the floor. He wasn't worried- not in the way he should have been.

  The Telmarine began to speak. "Tell me, Prince Edmund..."


  Miraz looked appalled. Edmund, with a glad smirk, had interrupted him. "Pardon me?"

  "It's King Edmund, actually." Replied the English boy. "Just King though, James is the High King, and Peter's some sort of battle leader..." with another smirk, he knew he'd frustrated the Telmarine's enough. "I know, it's confusing."

  "Why would we risk such a proposal when our armies could wipe you out by nightfall?" Miraz raised an eyebrow.

     There was something the Telmarine's didn't know about Edmund, something that most people didn't realise. As someone so often underestimated, no one seemed to notice how clever he was. He was clever, and he was brilliant with words. That was why he had been chosen for the task.

     "Haven't you already underestimated our numbers?" Edmund asked, almost taunting. "I mean, only a week ago, Narnian's were extinct."

  Hissing, Miraz replied. "And so you will be again."

  "My brother would have a lot to say about that-"

  "Peter, I know."

  "No." Edmund shook his head, disgusted. "James. He's the King, the real King."

  "That means nothing, we will crush you." Miraz discarded everything being said.

  "Well, then," Edmund huffed. "You shall have little to fear."

  The Telmarine King laughed as if he'd been told something very slightly amusing. "This is not a question of bravery."

  "So you're bravely refusing to fight a swordsman half your age? He's only eighteen, you know."

  Leaning forwards, a menacing frown upon his tiring face, Miraz hissed. "I didn't say I refused."

  One of the Lords, sat at the left of one of the tables spoke up. It was unexpected, and Edmund's head snapped to him. He wouldn't miss anything, especially since he was the one who would have to tell James what had happened. "You will have our support, your Majesty. Whatever your decision."

  Lord Sopespian was the next to speak up. His position was right beside Miraz, which left a lot to be inferred. Edmund knew what to remember, and he knew what to say. The Telmarine's were already riled up enough. "Sire, our military advantage alone provides the perfect excuse to avoid what might be otherwise..."

  Miraz jumped to his feet, narrowing his eyes at the Lord. The metal armour he wore clanged violently as the platelets hit off one another. "I'm not avoiding anything!"

  Sopespian was taken aback, and so replied, trying to make amends. "I was merely pointing out that my Lord is well within his rights to refuse."

  One of the guards at the back of the tent, Glozelle, added to the conversation. Unhelpfully for Miraz, but for the Pevensie's, it was monumental. "His majesty would never refuse. He relishes the chance to show the people the courage of their new King."

  "You!" Miraz picked up his sword and pointed it at Edmund. "You should hope your brothers sword is sharper than his pen."

  With a smirk, Edmund replied. "It most definitely is."

     When the youngest king returned to the tomb, James greeted him with a large hug. There was much to be discussed, but more than anything, he had to know that his brother was alright. Or, at least, not dangerously harmed.

  "Are you okay?" Fussed James, checking Edmund's face as their own mother would.

  "I'm fine." The black haired boy pushed off the older boy, playfully. When James raised an eyebrow, and as the worry didn't deter from his face, Edmund knew his brother really was afraid. "Really, James, I'm alright."

  "What's been said?" He wondered, after his heart had stopped beating so fast. "Is it, or isn't it?"

  With a deep breath, Edmund nodded. "It is."


  "Are you ready?"

  James nodded, though unconvincingly. "I have to be."

  "You'll be fine." Smiled Edmund rubbing his brothers shoulder.

     It was no secret that James Pevensie had a favourite brother, but in days like these, it was easy to see why.

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I don't own anything to do with the Narnia book series or film trilogy. These predominantly belong to C.S. Lewis. However, I do own James Pevensie, Alfie and Harvey Gallagher, and their respective alterations to the storyline.

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