Chapter 11- Training

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What's wrong?
You've been askin' but I don't have an answer
How come?
I'm still thinkin' let's pretend to fall asleep now
When we get old, will we regret this?
Too young to think about all that shit
And stallin' only goes so far when you've got a head start
'Cause we could stay at home and watch the sunset
But I can't help from askin', "Are you bored yet?"
And if you're feelin' lonely, you should tell me
Before this ends up as another memory
Will you tell the truth so I don't have to lie?
- Are You Bored Yet • The Wallows, Clairo

They slept that night on a stone floor: a reminder to their life back in England. If the bombings were too much, and they were forced into the Anderson Shelter for the night. At least then they had a mattress or two- even if they were sharing.

    Instead, that night, James lay beside Edmund. It wasn't sleepless, but it certainly wasn't brilliant.

    Being awake the next day was almost a blessing: it was an excuse to be away from Peter. James' blonde brother was getting on his nerves, annoying him at every opportunity- whether he meant it or not.

    The tasks for the day were simple. Teach the Gallaghers to use weapons effectively. It would've been more useful a while ago, especially since Harvey has since saved James from a rogue bear, but was still necessary.

     Susan was in charge of archery, and so was teaching Harvey her tricks. As well as this, Caspian decided to tag along. There was nothing wrong with learning a little more.

   Alfie was being left to two of the kings: arguably, the most skilled of the lot. Edmund, of course, was brilliant with a sword and had proved it time and time again; though the only person who never believed it was Peter. However, the brother who owned the most weapons yet refused to be violent was the most talented with many other offensive tools. James was gladly there to supervise, and if he needed to, train with the Gallagher boy.

     "You need to grip the handle firmer." Edmund stated, slightly fed up with all of Alfie's lolly-gagging. "You'll just end up throwing the sword if you're not careful."

  "That's cool, though!" Exclaimed the mouse-haired boy.

  "Well..." said the black haired boy, awkwardly. "Not if you poke my eye out."

  "Straighten your back." James called from a tree's branch. It had been a while since he had been able to do so, and this enabled him to keep an eye on Susan's group as well as his own. "Keep your head up."

  "Shoulders relaxed." Edmund commented, and Alfie tried to comply, before he gave up, and started to swing the sword madly again.

  James climbed quickly from the tall tree, and picked up his double ended scythe from the grass. He used the blade to push in Alfie's back, lightly so not to cause harm. "If you want to fight, you need to concentrate." His tone was commanding, something very rare to see. "I won't let you anywhere near any fight until you can hold your sword properly."

  "If I may..." Caspian stepped in, still wearing his armour, and having put a set of arrows to the ground. "I would not mind assisting you."

  "You should fight someone." Alfie bounced up and down, forcing Edmund to take the sword from him.

  James shook his head. "I'm not sure that's a good idea."

  "You and Caspian should fight!" He cheered.

  "I do not-" The Telmarine Prince began, but Edmund cut him off.

  "Well, it could be a good way to show him an effective way to fight."

  "Well," James pushed his scythe from hand to hand. "I'm up for it if you are."

     When Caspian agreed, the two began, and it was fairly ferocious. James felt guilty, mainly if he hurt the Prince.

     It was sword verses scythe. James dominated mainly, as was expected, but there were moments when Caspian surprised. There was a time in particular, nearer the end of their short battle, when Caspian turned his sword in such a way that it made James stumbled. Then, with a push, his sword pressed to the scythe, and back towards the King's neck. For that moment, James was impressed. He was impressed until he pushed back, and forced Caspian to drop his sword.

    "That was so cool!" Alfie cried out, catching the attention of Susan and Harvey.

  "Did you take the sword off him yet?" Asked the elder Gallagher.

  "We had to." Edmund pondered. "He was going to kill someone."

  Alfie huffed. "That's the whole point."

  "No it's not." James combatted, swiftly. "It's protection. Remember life isn't all about war."

  "We don't need another one." Susan shivered, moving back towards the tomb, and the rest of them followed. However, James stayed outside. He didn't want to move just yet. A faun would be going out soon for look out, and James felt as if it were the right thing to wait for the crossover.

    Caspian didn't have the same idea, but he wanted to say something to James. When the High King was around others, however relaxed he looked, he was intimidating. There was something about him.

     "Good fight." James smiled softly to the black haired boy, and to that, Caspian smiled.

  "Thank you... I was impressed by your movements." The grin given to the Prince was genuine. "The legends are certainly true."

    A blonde faun had started to climb to the top of the cliff to watch over the forest perimeter. James nodded to him, acknowledging his work, and began to walk inside beside Caspian.

    "How did you learn these legends?" James wondered, and the two began their first real conversation. And, gladly, it was about Narnia. The odd thing was that James felt comfortable around Caspian: it was unusual for him to feel that way around others so quickly.

    In fact, the two must've spent an hour together before the blonde faun ran in, almost breathless.

  "Your Majesty!" He cried, and James came to his aid, offering a shoulder to lean on.

  "What's wrong?"

  "There was... there... a... a Telmarine spy in the woods."

  "Thank you." Said James, calmly. However, he was anything but. His mind was racing, what could he do? There was so much to choose between. "Caspian, can you gather everyone, please?"

  "Of course." The Prince nodded, his olive skin shimmering in he torch light.

  "In the tomb. There's much to do."

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•  -  -  •

I don't own anything to do with the Narnia book series or film trilogy. These predominantly belong to C.S. Lewis. However, I do own James Pevensie, Alfie and Harvey Gallagher, and their respective alterations to the storyline.

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