Frog in your throat

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It was the last subject till dismissal...

Hero Training with All Might and Aizawa Sensei

My body temperature has been changing rapidly

I felt cold, I was shivering when i took off my uniform to put on my Hero Costume

A pounding headache thrashing all around in My head.

i waited impatiently for what our training would be today

"Today we will be doing Close range combat, some of you rely too much on long range attacks that when an enemy jumps at you for a close combat fight you falter immediately, choose a partner and start training by identifying what you lack"

Aizawa Sensei exclaimed

Close combat training, i usually would have an upper hand but...with how my body is right now im not sure if i stand a chance

I internally cursed as i brought up my fist and started to bite onto the knuckles of my hand as a distraction to the immense headache thats still fighting in my head

"Hey Deku-kun Mind if we could be partners?" Uraraka-san beamed with a wide smile

"o-oh sure Uraraka-san" i coughed to try and clear my throat,

Her smile lit up even more as i glanced at her

the pink circle's on her face were always an adorable feature of hers

"So what do we lack?" Uraraka-san sighed

"Im not sure, you took martial arts with Gun Head right?" i asked my head tilting to the side a bit

She nodded

"Yeah i did, why are you asking?"

"Maybe i could...i coul....d.."


I sneezed into my arm
2nd sneeze of the day, Great

Before Uraraka-san could question me i spoke up as we figured out what we lacked and started to train


I fell back onto the hard cement

I regret my choice of free falling forgetting how hard cement was

I groaned as i wiped my forehead

Uraraka-san also layed down beside me but more Gentle and steady, not wanting to injure herself

My throat was as dry as a desert
I felt like i had sand in my mouth
A Frog in my throat

My Headache getting more and more distracting

"Do you want some water? You look like you've been stranded in the middle of a desert for weeks"

Uraraka-san laughed as she sat up and passed me a cold bottle of water she got from Aizawa sensei before laying down beside me

"Oh how ive been searching far and wide for this golden liquid,
Thank you Fair Maiden for bestowing thou upon me"

I chuckled sarcastically as i sat up
while taking the bottle from her hands

"You're welcome oh Handsome Traveler"

She boldy laughed

She thinks im handsome?

I get flustered as i stare at how her soft laughing fills the air

"T...Thank you Fair Maiden for i think you look Astonishing as well"

I shoot back as i watch her get all flustered as she tackled me down with a hug

Somewhere On the other side of the training auditorium

"They are such a cute pair, why wont they date already!"

Mina Groaned

As Kirishima and Kaminari just stare at how oblivious the pair is

"Dont you wish to have a relationship like those two"

Sero Teased as he elbows Katsuki who starts to choke on his Water

then proceeds to blaze explosions in his hands as a threat

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