Class conversation

239 4 10

Tuesday (6:30pm)

Uraraka-san Pov

Everyone was gathered around the coffee table, some sitting on the floor legs criss crossed while others were on the Sofa

"Does anyone have Quirkless relatives?"

Yaomomo spoke up as formal as ever,  Aoyama and Jirou rose they're hands

"A Quirkless is in my family tree.... yes but i have not heard of them in years"

hesitation was subtle in his words

"My Father is also Quirkless, he never leaves the house so he hasnt got in contact with the virus
so hes quarantined in his room,
my mom sleeps in my old room before i moved into the dorms"

She said while playing with her earphone jacks

"I hope your father stays safe"

Mina says as she hugged Jirou
Very close but in a Best friend way

i see Kaminari-kun pouting while Kirishima chanted something to him while snickering

"Wish that was you huh"

i heard him say through his silent laughter

I wonder what Deku-kun would be doing right now

Hes either resting in a hospital bed or getting tested on..

"Midoriya's quirk seems weird right?"

Sero threw in his thoughts

"How so? Kero "

Tsu tilted her head

"The guys Quirk seems to hurt alot, sure hes getting better at controlling it but dont you think its suspicious, its not like the first time he used his quirk was during the first day of class
since he looked like he knew what would happen.
He was hesitant of even using it"

Sero pointed out with several hand gestures which i think is a habit of his

"It seems more like a curse honestly, imagine what happened when he first got his quirk as a child?"

Kirishima complained as everyone started to wince and cringe at the thought

I thought about it too sure
the image of a 4 year old having a tantrum and then a gust of wind appears and he broke his little baby arm? That would be horrifying for a mother!

It was silent for a moment
everyone had no clue where our conversation was going

ding ding

A phone started dinging

I grabbed my phone from my pocket to see a distress warning from the city

"The death rate went up to 80%..."

I was horrified and worried
everyone was


the whole class turns to hear shuffling and the elevator door opening

Bakugo-kun in a Coat a sling bag and heading for the door with a mask on

"Where are you going Mr.Aizawa said for us to stay in the dorms?"

Mina stood up

"To visit the stupid nerd what else"

He replied as he walked over to the door

"Then let me come with you"

I scolded as i ran over to block the door

"either let me come with you or you arent leaving"

He rolled his eyes trying to pry my hands away from the door

"Im serious here Bakugo!"

"Oh yeah pink cheeks? Im serious here too!"

"Im not moving!"

"That damn nerd wouldn't even want you......UGH
to see him in the state he's in!"

"Then why are you allowed to go!?"

"because i know something you and everyone else dont!"

"What do you mean by that!?"

"You two are so damn oblivious its getting on my nerves!"

He scoffed finnaly putting his arms in the air in defeat

"if you want to come with then get your shitty clothes on fast, im not waiting for you extra's for more than 15 minutes"

He announced as he sat down onto a vacant sofa chair

A selected few and myself stood up and went to they're rooms to get dressed

Shoto,Tsu,Sero,Mina And Me

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