Movie night

251 8 16


I wiped my eyes with my fist as i slung my bag over my shoulder

Heading outside the classroom door and downstairs

Maybe i should stop by the mall first to buy a mask and some tissue's .

I thought to myself as i walked towards the Outside gates

"Midoriya where are you going?"

I turned my head around to see Iida-kun and Uraraka-san getting ready to head over to the dorms

"Oh im just going to go and buy some stuff, il be back before we start the movie though"

I assured as waved before continuing my walk


I opened the dorm doors

With a mask on my face and a bag of medication to help ease my fever

I head up to my room and take a shower


I dry my hair with a towel as i walk down the stairs to the living room

Wearing my signature T-shirt that says "Shirt"

I never know why but Uraraka-san always laughs uncontrollably Whenever i wear it

"Hey guys, so what movie is it this time?"

I ask as i sit down on the Sofa with crossed legs beside Uraraka-san

"Its a Movie called Encanto! Its so cool, it takes place in a world where Quirks arent a normal thing!"

Mina exclaimed

"Ooh i see, sounds cool"

I say as we start the movie

throughout the First song i could see Kachan Glancing at me with a bit of awkwardness

And i just looked back smiling awkwardly at how this movie seemed to be similar to my childhood

We reach the end of the song where the kids chant Mirabel (the main characters name)

"Mirabel!? What are you...doing?!"

"well i-"

"She was about to tell us all about her super amazing awsome gift!"

a little girl shouted

"Oh Mirabel didnt get one HM"

My jaw dropped, eyes widened

Kachan and i exchanged a shocked look at each other

I just knew this movie was gonna hit hard for me

"Waiting on a Miracle Song"

I was crying my heart out as Uraraka-san concerned but still comforts me while watching the song play out

Skip to Dolores part in singing "we dont talk about bruno"

I looked over at Kaminari who seemed to be having his life flash before his eyes? I wonder why

then i hear his voice Singing?
But his lips arent moving

I turned to the Tv and Everyone else was questioning why the voice singing sounded so familiar

"Seven Foot Frame, Rats along his back When he calls your name it all fades to black!"

The character named Camilo sang

Hold on a second

The voice Finnaly registered into my head, it took a second because i was sick but i Finnaly got it

i turned to Kaminari at the same time as mina who was searching through the cast members of the movie on her phone

"You Voiced in a disney movie!?"

We both questioned

waiting for an answer

"Eh i was looking for a side job?
I promise i didn't know it was a disney movie!"

He nervously exclaimed

Everyones faces concerned

"How the hell did you signup to voice act in a DISNEY movie WITHOUT KNOWING!"

Kachan Scolded

As we continued to watch the movie


The Movie ends and we all watch the end credits roll

"That was a great movie!, although i think Deku-kun got a bit emotional towards the end"

Uraraka-san teased as she looked over to her shoulder seeing me with my knees onto my chest holding in tears with a pout

"Mirabel Deserved Better!"

I ranted with a crack in my voice

Uraraka-san laughed at my statement befre she places a hand on my forehead

"Deku-kun you're foreheads burning hot...i think you have a fever..."

Uraraka-san said her fave filled to the brim with concern and worry

I take her hand and hold it in mine while i give her a warm smile

"Im fine Uraraka-san its just a small fever"

I smiled as her eyebrows furrowed not believing anything i said

she stood up and grabbed a towel and a bowl from the kitchen

By now everyone went on to do they're own thing or decided to go to bed early

I stood up and followed Uraraka-san wondering what she was up to

A cold wet towel meeting my forehead once i turned a corner

"Ah Uraraka-san whats with the towel?"

I asked as the towel fell from my forehead to my hands

"You're sick!, im going to take care of you... Now you need to get to bed.."

She scolded as she pushed me up all the way to my room


"Uraraka-san i promise you im fine"

The wet towel placing onto my forehead once again

"You're lying i can see it, Why not take a day off Tomorrow?"

i shook my head

Earning a frown from her

"Fine but if its not gone by the end of class Tomorrow im taking you to the doctors"

She said Sternly

i chuckled as i gave in


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