Final Lullaby...

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I close my eyes and go to sleep

and dream of things that make me weep

I lay in a bed full of sadness

Crying to myself about my illness

A heavy, dying rope calls me fondly

No one is there to walk me kindly.

It reminds me of the butcher's baby.

Tonight is the time to sing my final lullaby.

Sweet baby, go back to sleep

Lying down with ducts that weep

The knife's blows can be pretty sharp

May the angels play their sweet harp

Sweet baby, you will be forgotten

For you have lived a life so rotten

Your own blood betrayed you

There's no time to start through.

Sweet baby, the very last strand of your woven braid.

May all kind evils burn it to aid

There are blood red tears to forever drown.

Until you go down and down.

Sleep my little baby. Sleep dear o' Belle...

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