Chapitre 29 - part 1 (Tanya)

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Tanya had been summoned by Tagon to the great hall. She had observed the customs enough to know that if the meeting was held in the throne room, it was serious and official business. And that worried her. She didn't trust anything. She turned to Yangcha.

- Do you know why Tagon wants to see me?


When they arrived at the closed doors, Yangcha went ahead of her to open them. It made her uncomfortable every time he did that. Tagon sat at the back of the room, Taealha at his side. No one else. This conversation was obviously only for her. She approached them, looking apprehensively at Tagon's expression, which was impassive. Yangcha bowed her head to greet the king and queen, then stood to the side. She looked up at Tagon and held his gaze

- How are you Tanya?

The question was nothing more than a reminder to her not to forget why the children had died.

- What can I do for you?

Tagon smiled.

- I'd like to put an end to the hostilities between us.

- That's not the impression you give.

- And I regret it, Tanya. For this to work, we need to walk hand in hand.

- What are you proposing?

- Your marriage.

Tanya felt as if the ground was shifting beneath her feet. She felt her body stiffen and became dizzy. She forced herself to remain impassive and to give herself a composure. She opened her mouth, hoping that the voice that came out would not tremble.

- To ease our relationship, you want to force me to do something I don't want to do?

- This truce must be sealed by a strong and significant event. The people must witness our good understanding. What could be better than a wedding?

A wave of fear surged through her body. She saw no way out, no way to escape this wedding. In anger, she clenched her teeth and her fists. One day Tagon would pay for what he had done to her, for what he had done to the Wahans, to her tribe

- Will I at least have the right to choose my future husband?

Tagon raised his eyebrows in surprise.

- I didn't know there was a man in Arthdal who had your favor," he scoffed.

- There is no such thing, she retorted curtly.

- Then on what will your choice be based? An advantageous shape ?

- You do not think that is important? she said while throwing an eye to Taealha.

- Or rather someone who could be an ally?

- I have no allies here. You know that very well.

- I'm not so sure, Tanya.

Tanya glared at Tagon. Her resentment for him only grew.

- You will learn soon enough that alliances are made and broken Tanya. Trust no one.

- It is sad that a king cannot trust his subjects.

- I have already chosen your husband. Don't worry, I think it will suit you perfectly.

Tagon's gaze left her to stare at something behind her. He made a slight movement of his head. She turned and saw Mungtae. Was this who Tagon had chosen for her? She realized at once that she was on the wrong track. Her old friend turned away to open the heavy doors of the room and let the head of the royal guard enter. He walked up to her, bowed to Tagon, then to her. He seemed to be unaware of the reason for his presence.

- Gilsun

- Niruha.

- Your loyalty to me has been unwavering all these years. As head of the royal guard, you represent the power of Arthdal. Your loyal service deserves reward and your status entitles you to a high ranking marriage. That is why I believe that a union between the leader of my army and the descendant of the gods would be desirable and beneficial.

Gilsun did not seem to understand at first what Tagon was promising him. When he finally realized, he turned to her in disbelief. She looked away, unable to look for a second at the man who was about to become her nightmare. She closed her eyes for a moment to hold back her tears. Gilsun fell to his knees before Tagon and bowed.

- Your majesty is too good!

- Get up and give your future wife a proper bow.

Gilsun got up hurriedly and turned to her, searching her eyes. She looked at him coldly.

- Niruha. This marriage is an honor," he said, holding out his hand to her.

The very idea of contact with this man repulsed her. She took it upon herself not to let anything of her dislike show and also held out her hand to him. He seized it and shook it so authoritatively that she recoiled.

- Your wedding will take place in a month. The time needed to prepare a big party.

She was suffocating. Only a month. She wanted to scream, to die rather than end up in the arms of this man. She bitterly regretted not running away with Eunseom.

- As everything seems to be arranged, I'm going to pray.

- This is an excellent idea, Tanya Niruha.

Tanya turned away at once, without a glance for her future husband who had advanced towards her.

- I'll take you home Niruha, said Gilsun following her.

- There's no need for that. I don't need you," she replied in an icy tone that paralyzed Gilsun.

She left the room with a quick step, heartbroken.

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