Chapitre 138 - Arthdal meets the Ago Tribe

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When Arthdal appeared before his eyes, Eunseom felt his heart beat faster and stronger. He was apprehensive about this meeting. He was afraid of how people would react, he was worried about his relationship with Saya and he dreaded the reunion with Tanya after their fight.

- They are building a second wall. That's not a good sign," muttered Karika who was riding beside him.

- Why ?

- When you build a second wall, it means you expect to be attacked. It's a precaution in case of war.

Eunseom felt his heart contract. Was Saya already thinking about war?

The gates of Arthdal were already open and when he arrived in front of them, he recognised Saya waiting for him, also on horseback. At his side were two guards. His brother greeted him with a big smile and pointed to the city with a wave of his hand.

- Welcome to Arthdal! he said.

Saya was dressed in a long cream robe embroidered with gold. His long wavy hair fell over his shoulders and his head was crowned with a golden crown. He looked like a king. Unlike him, who was not so luxuriously dressed. Saya let him ride next to him. Behind him, Tanya was also riding, protected by Yangcha and the woman who had saved her during the battle against Tagon. He briefly met Yangcha's eyes, who looked away when he heard Miroosol give him an enthusiastic "hey Daekan". He then met Tanya's eyes. She gave him a small shy smile which he did not return. He was too uncomfortable and the resentment was still there in his heart. He looked away and followed Saya at the head of the procession.

- Did you have a good trip?

- Yes, everything went well.

Eunseom looked around. Crowds of people lined the streets to see who he was and who the Agos were. Some looked at them with curiosity, others with suspicion, others with astonishment or amazement. Eunseom could hear musicians playing music, but the crowd was silent. He could hear rumours and whispers as he passed. Many people looked at him and Saya in turn, amazed at the resemblance between them. Passing in front of thousands of pairs of eyes riveted on him embarrassed him. Then excitement flared in the eyes as people noticed the carts full of food and Agoha's products passing under their noses.

Arthdal had changed a little since the first time he came. The city was bigger, more populated, more commercial, more organised. However, it was still very similar to what he had seen years ago. It was a grey city, made of stones, walls, noise, screams. Animals were still imprisoned, slaves still walked the city like half-living shadows.

Saya led him to the main square of the city, where a long flight of stairs led to a platform with a throne and seats. They dismounted and climbed the stairs to face the people who had gathered at their feet : Another way of showing the superiority of the King over his people. Saya stood in front of his throne and invited him to sit on his left while Tanya sat on his right. On the sides were seats for Jang-Geum and Yeonbal on one side and on the other, seats for Karika, Dalsae and Miroosol.

Saya began by introducing him and welcoming him. He indicated that this day was dedicated to strengthening the ties between Arthdal and the Ago Tribe to further seal the peace between them. He explained that trade would take place during the stay of the Agos in the city and that activities would be organised, including a big hunt to fill the meat reserves before the winter. Enthusiasm gradually grew among the inhabitants, although there was still a lot of mistrust. Saya then invited him to speak.

A little intimidated, Eunseom hesitated. He glanced at Karika who reassured him with a smile and a nod. He couldn't help but look at Tanya. She was watching him intently and gave him a small nod to encourage him to move on. With his heart pounding, he watched the crowd, then opened his mouth to speak. First he offered his condolences for Tagon's death. He sympathised with their grief. He confirmed his support for the new King of Arthdal, Saya, his brother. He trusted him to lead his people wisely. He told them that as an apology he had brought offerings to the King and his people and that he hoped to be welcomed back to Arthdal.

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