Chapitre 69

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Lying next to each other, Tanya turned to him and slipped her hand into his. He turned to her and looked into her eyes.

- Can you stay? she asked


She closed her eyes and did not opened them again. He watched her for a moment before he too fell into sleep. When he awoke, the fire in the hearth had died down and the light of the rising sun was shining into the room. The seat beside him was empty. He turned, sat up and looked around. Tanya had put on a dressing gown and was looking up at the sky, which was brightening and turning yellow and blue. She turned to him and gave him a pretty smile that lit up her face.

- I was just about to come and wake you up," she said.

He got out of bed and got dressed while Tanya sat at her desk, her nose already buried in the documents that covered the table. He looked at her for a moment. Her diligence in her study and her determination to learn all she needed to know about Arthdal reminded him strangely of the words she had spoken yesterday. "You can lose your life at any time in Arthdal. She was right. Tagon was still a threat to her. He always would be. His heart clenched and he moved towards her, determined to protect her.

You were right.

She looked up. Surprise was painted on her face as she questioned him with her eyes.

I know Tagon's secret.

She didn't react and just watched him.

It is a secret that will lead to his downfall if it is revealed to the public. With this, you will have the power to bring him down.

Tanya tilted her head slightly to one side and seemed to be waiting for this famous revelation. Yangcha found her strangely calm for someone who had sought this secret and was about to possess the best weapon against the Arthdal leader.

Tagon is an Igutu.

She continued to observe him, her face impassive, then her eyes lowered slightly as if she was deep inside herself, but what surprised Yangcha was that she did not seem surprised at all. Then he understood the obvious.

You knew...

- I wasn't completely sure.

How did you know?

- The day we were attacked by a pack of wolves, Tagon saved me and I saw his purple eyes.

She was silent for a moment before continuing.

- At first I thought my mind was playing a trick on me. I was so scared and tired...Tagon being an Igutu seemed so unrealistic. How could he have hidden it for so long without anyone noticing? But my mind kept thinking about it and the memories of that night kept running through my head: Tagon is incredibly strong. Almost superhuman. And then I dreamed of him and his eyes. The first dream of my life and I realised that what I had seen was probably real.

Why didn't you say anything? You knew it would destroy him...

Tanya looked down.

- The Igutus are not evil by definition. To denounce Tagon was to stigmatise the Igutu, to stir up hatred against them, to demonise them. Eunseom is an Igutu. I couldn't do that to him... Difference is not a defect, Yangcha. I couldn't dethrone Tagon by advocating hatred of the other. I can't, do you understand?

He understood, but he wasn't sure he agreed. By revealing this information, Tanya had the opportunity to protect herself, to protect the people in some way, and she was refraining from doing so.

- And then, if Tagon is dethroned, what do you think will happen? Someone else will take the throne and who do you think it will be?

Yangcha thought. Logically Saya, but maybe Taealha would have found a way to oust him.

- You are right. I don't know what Taealha would be worth as a queen, but to be honest, Saya scares me more than Tagon.

On this point, Tanya was not wrong.

- For the moment, we have found a way to calm things down and establish some kind of peace. I don't know how long it will last, but I want to enjoy this respite. When the situation deteriorates, we'll take it from there, but for now, I have no interest in harming Tagon.

Tanya was probably right and he nodded.

- You'd better go now. I don't want Saya to find out that I lied to him about you. Myung Jin is coming and she's a snake.

Yangcha shuddered with anger as he imagined Saya circling Tanya like a vulture, but he had no choice but to let it go. Tanya gave him one last smile before he left the room.

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