Bad Blood

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You know it used to be mad love

I spent night after night thinking about him. I was angry at myself; I should've tried harder--should've fought harder for what I needed. I had every right in the world to deserve love. I was starved of it at home, and had no good reason for why. Every night I dreamt of what life could be like with Jordon.

And every night I got hungrier and hungrier for it.

Unfortunately there was no way of competing with Dayna in his arms, and nothing left to resort to but dangerous dreams.

Damn them. Damn them to hell.

You made a really deep cut

I was falling further and further away from reality. September turned into October, and October turned into November, which all turned into December. My birthday was uneventful as usual. The school week was over, and I was walking home alone. There was no snow this December. It was nothing but rain. It wasn't an exciting rain either. It was the same old drizzle that plagued this damned city nine months out of the year.

I kept my eyes locked on the ground, the same grey that matched the sky; and my face; and my eyes--everything was grey. Although I was relieved I had a two day break from school, I wasn't looking forward to tomorrow. Tomorrow was the anniversary of my mother's death. Sixteen years to be exact.

The rain seemed appropriate.

I gagged when the scent reached my nose. I could recognize it a mile away. My eyes snapped forward and landed on Jordon.

He stepped on the cigarette butt, digging it into the ground with the ball of his foot. He looked up and gave me his handsome smirk.

"Hey Sparkles."

If I wasn't so numb I would've cried. There was no sparkle left in my eyes. How dare this stupid boy stand in front of me like nothing happened. How dare he call me Sparkles after he stole it from me. How dare he live after taking my life.

I take four steps forward and punch him square in the face. I scream, I kick, I tell him about all the destruction that he has caused me. I blame him for everything, his blood is everywhere.

I blinked. The violent vision disappeared from my eyes. He was still standing there tall and strong, and I was here silent and vandalized.

"There's a party tonight Sparkles." he took two pre-rolled joints from his pocket. He offered me one, I took it. "My house. You coming?"

He lit mine then his. I looked over at Jordon. At everything I missed. Everything I loved. I could get back at her--Dayna. I could do the same thing she did to me.

Was it worth it; to put this hurt on someone else?

I took a long drag of the joint, revelling in its contrast to heroin. I mean, I was going to die soon eventually. Who was going to punish me if I got even with a big bitch? After all, wasn't it at a party where she stole him from me?

I'd have to make the decision at the party.

It's so sad to think about the good times, you and I

Their outfits made me want to retch. Girls breasts hung out the sides of their tiny little rompers that hardly covered their ass cheeks. I had never been the one to show much skin, and tonight was no different. But I made it a point to make sure my make up was flawless. I tried with my hair but it was a lifeless stringy mess. I had contemplated just throwing it into a bun, but I figured guys liked it better running their fingers through layers of hair.

I held my head high for once, and walked at a steady pace. I had a mission tonight--I had to ruin Dayna the same way she ruined me. Once I gained some liquid confidence, I would try my luck at seducing Jordon into a bedroom, making sure one of Dayna's followers saw. I would only have moments to mark him as mine again before she would come swooping in. It was a terribly thought out plan, but it was better than nothing.

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