One Final Author's Note

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I'm sitting here writing this and I can't help the tears in my eyes.

This story, from A Place in This World, to Talking to the Moon, to Untouchable, it's held a special place in my heart, and it always will. I think I imagined myself finishing this last story a lot sooner than I did, but I guess that's life and another lesson.

This story entered my brain in early 2012. I didn't start writing it until October of that same year. And now here we are, February 2016, and the story has reached it's finally.

This story and it's fabulous readers have been there when nothing else was. This story was home when I didn't have one. I grieved through this story, I laughed, I cried, I lived.

And I grew. I grew and learned so many things that have fuelled my writing enough that I am now professionally published. Thank you to those who pushed through my early writing stages—the mistakes and everything in between. I like to think ill go back and edit, but it's nice to look back and see how much I've evolved.

For the hidden talents on this website who have an unimaginable drive, head on over to They took a chance on me. I don't see any reason why they won't take a chance on you. You can message me for more details, I just have to be careful so this site doesn't kick me out for uttering another writing website hahaha.

This is such a hard goodbye, but with every goodbye a hello soon follows.

I've found myself wrapped up in another writing project, and for those who didn't see the message I posted on my wall, I've joined a writing course at school. We're required to write a novel and post it on this site. We're being marked on how many reads we get rather than quality... and I hope you guys check it out.

My new name is alexarose05 and I've begun a fantasy that spans across the world. The theme of this story, if I don't make it blatant enough, is how corrupt the education system is. I'm sick and tired of students not getting the proper education, and I'm calling it out in my story: The Congregation of Creatures.

I really hope to find you guys over there, so I never have to fully say goodbye to the haven I've written.

You people who have taken a chance on me, you have gifted me more than you will ever know. I am so forever grateful.

Thank you for everything you have given me.

To infinity and beyond,

Alexa :)

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