Chapter 22. Fallin' for you.

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Guys Here you have chapter 22! Hopefully updates (and my life) will get back to normal on Tuesday :) Thanks for all the reads and votes, means a lot to us.

Dedication goes to @kcooksstories for being the first to comment chapter 21! :)

Much love xxxxx


'I'm trying not to tell you, but I want to, and I'm scared of what you'll say,

so I'm hiding what I'm feeling, but I'm tired of holding this inside my head.

I've been spending all my time just thinking 'bout you,

I don't know what to do,

I think I'm fallin' for you'.

When the lessons were over I said goodbye to Alan and ran to my apartment. I recognized Niall, reached him and kissed him.

“Why so excited?”, he asked.

“What’s wrong? Can’t I kiss my…”

“Your boyfriend”, he interrupted.


“Maddie, I don’t see the difference between this and a serious thing”.

“But there is”.

“Tell me just one”.

“Well, truth is…”

“”That’s right. From now on you’re my girlfriend”.

“Are we? You decided it by yourself, without asking me?”, I said, raising my eyebrow.

“I know you wouldn’t say no”.

“I think you’re starting to know me”.

“So now… you and I… you know… we’re together?”

“You could say so, but don’t get too excited. I still want to go slow”.

He nodded.

“Sure, there’s no need to rush things”.

I smiled at him and we started walking.

“By the way, are you free tomorrow?”

“Erm…I think so, why?”, he said.

“I’m going to Dartford to see my sister, and truth is I’d like you to come…”

“And you’re the one who wants to go slow! We’ve been dating for a week and you want to introduce me to your family!”, he laughed.

“No, it’s not like that. But I told her about us a few days ago and she wants to meet you, and anyway, I wouldn’t introduce you to my family, we’d just go for a drink or something with her and her boyfriend”.

“So, you parents won’t be there, will they?”

“No, not my mum and not Gary”.


“Are you coming?”

“Sure, why not?”

I smiled. After a while I noticed his hand brushing against mine. I looked at him, he smiled and kept his hand away. But later I felt his touch again. He started to play with my fingers and finally held my hand.

“What are you doing?”, I asked, laughing.

“Well, we’ve decided to be a serious couple, and couples are supposed to hold hands, aren’t they?”

I shrugged my shoulders, still laughing. He caressed my hand while holding it, and pulled me closer to him.

“You know what, Maddie? I would’ve never expected to be like this with you”.


“Taking into account we hated each other not long ago…”

“That’s true, but I don’t know…”

“To be honest, I liked you from the very first moment I saw you, but you were a little to harsh on me, don’t you think so?”

“I wasn’t that bad, I just didn’t want to give you my number”.

“And you left without even saying goodbye!”

We laughed.

“I also liked you from the first moment, but I guess I just didn’t want to admit it”.

“Did you just say you liked me? You treated me like I was the worst thing in the world!”

“Don’t exagerate”.

“But I definitely fell in love with you when I heard you singing at the bar for the first time”.

I stood there, paralised by his words. Did he just say he “fell in love” with me? Did that mean Niall was in love with me? No, that couldn’t be possible. But I had listened to him perfecly well…the question now was, was I in love with him?

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