Chapter 35. Everything has changed.

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Guys! Thank you all so much for all the reads, votes and comments! It lights up the days darkened by school and uni work! :) Here you have chapter 35 and a lovely song for it. We hope you like, it's a pretty special chapter and a really important one, so we're sorry if it's short.

We want to make clear that this is NOT the end of this fanfic, since it still has 9 or 10 chapters left :)

Much love xxx

PS, pretty please guys, it'd mean the world if you could check out our other stories, thanks! :) xx


'Come back and tell me why I'm feeling like I've missed you all this time.

And meet me there tonight, and let me know that it's not all in my mind (...)

All I know is you held the door, you'll be mine and I'll be yours,

all I know since yesterday is everything has changed'.

“Shall we speak?”, I said.

“Yes, sure”.

He stepped aside and let me in. He locked the door and we walked to the living room. I saw my box on the couch and smiled to myself.

“Did you see it?”, I asked, talking about my present.

“Yes, I liked it very much”.

“I also liked yours”.

He took the box and put it on the floor. We sat on the couch.

“So, what did you want to speak about?”, he said.

I sighed and looked down.

“Well, I only want to speak about us, you know what I mean”.


“I don’t know what I want right now Niall and…”

“The letter says you love me”.

“Yes, and I really do. But I don’t know if I want to get back with you or if I want to be friends with you. You have to understand that this is hard for me”.

“It’s hard for me too”.

“I know Niall, but…”

“I know you can’t trust me again all of a sudden, but if you could only try at least…”

“Do you think I’m not trying? Why do you think I’m here then?”

“Does that mean you’ll give me another chance?”

“I don’t know Niall, I don’t know.”

“Then why did you come? You don’t even know what you want!”

“Because I wanted to speak with you about this!”

“Speak about what!? You don’t know what you want! I told you to clear your mind and come back when you knew what you really wanted!”

“I needed to see you, I needed to hear your voice once more!”

“And do you think I don’t!? Do you think I don’t miss you at all!?”

“Do you know why I don’t want to give you another chance!? Because everytime we meet up, everytime we speak, we end up fighting! And I don’t want to fight, and least of all with you!”

“And what do you want me to do!? I just want you to be alright, to make you happy!”

“Well, you’re not doing it right!”

“That’s not my problem anymore, Maddie! I did everything I could!”

“I’m not blaming you!”

“And what are you supposed to be doing then!?”

“I’m just trying to fix things!”

“Yes, I can see that, the only thing you’re doing is to yell at me!”

“You say it as if you weren’t yelling yourself!”

“Maddie, calm down”.

“Calm down!? Do you want me to calm down!? I’m sick of you Niall, sick of you! I’m sick of you asking me to calm down, sick of always being the one to blame!”

“And do you think I’m not sick of you!? I’m sick of your games! I’m sick of your fucked up mind never wanting to clear things up! I’m sick of you telling me you love me but that you don’t want to be with me! I’m sick of always being the one chasing you!”

“If you were that sick of me you could’ve told me earlier and I wouldn’t have bothered coming here!”

“Yes, that’s just what I should’ve done, I shouldn’t have cared about you!”

“Nobody asked you to care about me!”, I yelled, both of us breathing heavily. “You know what Niall?” I said, calming down a bit; “I shouldn’t have come…”

“Maddie, I…”

I turned around, determined to leave that place. He grabbed me by my arm and made me face him. He caressed my cheeks with his hands, leaving our lips just inches away from the others.

“Don’t leave, because I wouldn’t bear to lose you again”, he whispered.


“Stay Maddie, stay”.

He kissed me and I wrapped my hands around his neck. He pulled me even closer and kept on kissing me. Step by step we headed to his room. We laid in his bed and he placed himself on top of me. He took off my clothes slowly and softly, without stopping the kissing, and did the same with his clothes.

“I love you”, he whispered into my ear.

We kept on kissing each other, and we did it. And after all this time I was finally his. Entirely his.

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