Chapter 13. Come to me.

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Heeeeeeeeeeey :) We're back guys! Hope you like this chapter, because we think this is one of the most important chapters in this fanfic! Thanks for voting, reading and commenting, it really means a lot to us :)

Hope you like this song by Jesse McCartney and keep on reading guys!

PS. Don't forget to read 'Over Again', the second chapter is already up!

Lots of love. xx

'Let me be the one, loving you when you're weak

for all of the strength you need,

you can come to me.'

“Did you tell him that you would end up falling in love with him?” I nodded, and she added, “are you crazy? How could you say that?”

“I don’t know! I just said it, I wanted him to leave me alone, and the only way to get it was telling him the truth.”

“But Maddie, you can’t say that, and least of all, out of the blue.”

“But it was his fault! If I told him he couldn’t kiss me there must’ve been a reason, why did he insist?”

“Because he likes you.”

“No, Leigh. There are some things that can’t happen, and this is one of those things.”

“Maddie, you can’t help what you feel.”

“I don’t want to fall in love again, and least of all, with someone like him, I can’t!”

She hugged me and I started crying as much as I had done the night before.


“Because I would end up falling in love with you!”


“Don’t make me say it again, because I won’t.” I said, as tears started to fall down my face.

“Don’t cry, please.”

He came closer to me and caressed my cheek. He tried to hug me, but I stepped back.

“Don’t be kind” I said, taking his hand off my face.

“I’m not trying to be kind, I’m just trying to understand you.”

“You’ll never understand me.”

“Let me try it.”

“Didn’t you hear me? I don’t want you to be kind or treat me well!”

“This is all because you like me, isn’t it?”

“Nobody said so.”

“You said you’d end up falling in love with me if I keep on acting like this.”

“That doesn’t mean I like you.”

“Why don’t you want to fall in love with me?”

“Because I know boys like you. You make us believe everything’s perfect, you play with us, you get what you wanted, you hurt us and then you leave without any explanation.”

“I’m not like that, Maddie, let me show you.”

“You’re just like Dylan was at the beginning. You know the difference? I trusted him, and I don’t trust you.” 

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