7 | The Game is Afoot

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            IT WAS RAINING

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The earthy stench of crumpled leaves and wet dirt swarmed across the atmosphere. Robin cared little about the gloomy weather. It was becoming agitating that whenever she had to get outside the house, she'd have to wear layers of clothing and hold an umbrella that was seconds away from being ripped off by the wind.

Her eyes narrowed when she heard Christina taking a loud sip from her mug, and she shot her a glare.

"Ah-" Christina sighed contently- "Love this."

Robin took a deep breath, not even trying to conceal her annoyance. She turned away from the window to face her friend. Her red hair cascaded around her, perfectly straightened. Her body was cocooned on the couch, rolled inside the covers with tea enclosed between her palm and her laptop on her thighs. She crossed her arms against her stomach.

"Getting in the mood to write your gory article?"

"Hilarious." Christina gave a dry smile. "What's up your ass this morning?"

A lot was up her ass if she was being honest. Her brain didn't quieten last night, constantly haunted by images she desperately tried to block from her consciousness. Violet's body. Blooded carpet. Bright blue eyes. The sharp gleam of knives. Bruised knuckles. That damned piece of bread. She had awoken to the sound of sirens of the ambulance rushing right outside their building. It had cost her precious hours of sleep she desperately needed. She currently felt like she got run over by a truck and no amount of coffee could mend the headache pulsating through her skull.

"What do you have?" She asked, knowing very well she was going to regret asking, but it was Sunday and she had nothing better to do. As a first-year resident, she had to complete 48 hours per week. She got to take one day off, per Fairford's regulations. If she was able to cram one day's worth of shift on the other days, she could take an additional day off. But there was no need to overwork herself, she wasn't desperate for a day off. She would feel uneasy, jittery, and restless.

She could use a distraction, really.

"For what?" Christina didn't look up from her MacBook as she typed with one hand.

"For your stupid article. What do you have?"

"I'll tell you when you ask nicely."

"I could simply not get you that report. How would you like that?"

She earned silence and a purse in her mouth. Robin's lips stretched into a tight smile. Christina rolled her eyes, heaving a sigh, she put her tea down and straightened.

"Alright. Let's see." She pushed her gold-rimmed glasses farther up the bridge of her nose. "I only started working on it yesterday, so it's only a draft. I'll just tell you the bullet points."

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