4 | A Tale of Two Cities

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"YOU THINK WE CAN JUST THROW EVERYTHING IN YOUR BAG AND HAUL ASS?" Jeremy suggested as he stared at the array of boxes lined on every shelf of the pharmacy

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"YOU THINK WE CAN JUST THROW EVERYTHING IN YOUR BAG AND HAUL ASS?" Jeremy suggested as he stared at the array of boxes lined on every shelf of the pharmacy.

Ollie released a soft snort at the thought, while Lizzie seriously considered it.

"Do not tempt me," she mumbled, gaze skipping to the pharmacist behind the counter. He seemed a little old to chase after them if she thought about it. Even she and Ollie could outrun him, so physique didn't factor into the decision. Cameras did, however. They were scattered in every corner, their red dot gleaming, almost borderline mocking as the lens observed their every move.

She couldn't risk them getting caught here, stealing a couple of medications would be the least of their worries if that were to ever happen.

"Are you seriously considering it?" Ollie frowned, bright blue eyes shooting her a disapproving look.

She huffed, skipping past the medications for fleas and ticks that have been high on her list. "Damn Fairfordians, stocking up on everything and leaving us with crumbs," she grumbled, deciding to behave.

Jeremy snickered in return; he couldn't agree more.

It wasn't that pharmacies in Darwin were extinct, it was more of the fact they were constantly running low on stocks. Ollie was no longer able to find contact lenses, Lizzie needed medications for the strays fighting to survive outside their porch, and Jeremy being Jeremy, always wound up injured somehow. Running low on medication was not an option, and luckily, Ollie kept tabs on what was needed so they could stock up every couple of weeks.

The only inconvenience was time. It was 12:30 a.m. and it was still considered risky. Border security between Darwin and Fairford was strict, yet it was somehow manageable to sneak past after midnight. Guards lost the advantage of sunlight and, as it seemed, they would most likely be tempted by a few drinks at an hour like this. Still, getting caught could put them behind bars for who knew how long until Joe or Kaden would come up to bust their asses out. Dealing with Fairfordians guards would be a blessing compared to those two.

"Hey, Liz," Jeremy whispered, ushering at the box full of condoms.

Her eyebrows shot up. "Interesting. That's a brand I haven't seen before."

Ollie rolled his eyes, expecting something childish to come out of it. "You're twenty-three guys," he reminded. "Twenty-three," he emphasized.

"Think about it lil' Ollie. We'll pass a box by the brothel on our way back, advertise the shit out of it to Ursula, and sell them for twice the price."

"Exactly my thought." Jeremy grinned.

Ollie doubted it was exactly his thought. He shook his head with a soft smile dancing on his lips. He let them continue their planning of how to commercialize a pack of condoms, while he scanned the list on his phone to check the remaining boxes. Tylenol, bandages, band-aids, hydrogen peroxide, cold medicine... all check.

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