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-Peter Parker-

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-Peter Parker-

I sped out of the school as fast as I could with all the books in my hands and let's just say not having a backpack is killing me. May wants to teach me the acts of having responsibility so that's that. Looks like im not getting a backpack anytime soon.

The homecoming dance was scheduled for tomorrow which was a Saturday night. That means I only had one day tops to piece together my suit. Why did I have to wait till last minute. I never dressed up so I don't even know if I own anything fancy like that. I'll have to ask May when I get home.

So I walked. Yes walked in Queens. No súper-suit to hide beneath and swing the across the city in. I had to live life like I did before my powers which sometimes feels like an eternity away. A complexity different life than what I have today.

So yes I began to walk out of school with a stack of books piled on top of each other when a certain building caught my attention. It was a large skyscraper which was common in Queens, but its name is what caused me to stop.

Oscorp Industries.

Gwen Stacy worked here.

For a moment I found myself just standing there staring at the building. Then I realized they were doing tours and I could easier join and get a look of what made this place so special. Why Gwen seemed to like it so much.

So here I was shoving my books into a tiny bin offered to leave belongings for the tour and I joined the group of teenagers who gathered around a grown man who was guiding the tour. I stayed near the back, listening to the man as he spoke about the history of Oscorp.

My eyes scanned the surroundings, searching for her familiar face. Oscorp was incredible. The technology and methods they had seemed incredible. Nothing like Stark Industries, but still. Very cool.

No wonder Gwen liked this place.

And speaking of Gwen. There she was.
She stood in front of the group, with a white lab coat on. Her bright blonde hair hair tied back into a low ponytail. She looked so confident and happy to be here and I found myself smiling. At her.

I'm not going to lie when I say I was not paying attention to anything Gwen was saying. I was just focused on her. She was so pretty. So smart. So confident.

I couldn't look away from her until she stepped aside and Harry Osborn took over giving a brief introduction and directions to the group. We were then released to explore the floor that was reserved for guests.

I took the time to looks around and discover the industry. I couldn't stop looking. It was all science. Having time off from Spider-Man was finally letting me look around me without the mask.

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