Part 4

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January 27th

The day finally comes, my date with arny! We are spending the whole day with each other. Which I have never been on one of those dates. I get dressed and ready.

I text Arny:
Good morning love, when will you pick me up for our date?

Arny replies:
Good morning darling, I will pick you up at around 9:30. So excited to see you!!

I text:
Ok great! I'm so excited to see you finally as well. Alright see you soon!!

Arny replies:
See you soon my love!

I gently throw my phone onto my bed, and start doing some natural. Just some mascara and concealer under the eyes, I haven't been able to sleep, since I've been so excited for this day to come. I finished off the look with some clear lipgloss.

When I have finished getting ready and everything. Suddenly I hear a pebble being thrown on my window. I slowly walk up to my window, and guess who I see?!!


I gasp, then I wave at him and smile!! He waves back at me with a big smile!! I love his smile so much! His smile is so cute!!

I quickly ran down the stairs and ran to my front door.

I run up to Arny and give a big tight hug. He hugs me back tightly. He looks even cuter in person.

"Hii!" I said. I cover my mouth with my hands. I'm still shocked that I am going on a date with ARNY!

"Hi, you look amazing!" Arny says.

"Thank you, you look so cute! So where are we going?" I said.

"It's a surprise!" Arny says.

"Cmon tell me pleaseee!!" I said.

"Noooo I want it to be a surprise!!" He says.

"Ugh fine! I'm starving though!" I said.

"That's perfect, I'm taking you to a place to eat breakfast!" He says.

POV: You Fall in Love Where stories live. Discover now