Part 3

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*A week passed by*

I am still shocked that Arny added me back. Arny and I have been talking on Instagram. We both live in Florida. Arny and I both live in the same part of Florida. Which is crazy, since usually all the influencers or the people I follow live in Los Angeles, California.

*A few more weeks passed*

*You have a new message*

I open the new message I have, on Instagram. Ohh it's from Arny!! Yay! I open the message and:

Arny: Hey I was wondering since we have been talking for awhile now. Do you wanna maybe meet up?

I reply: Yea sure I would love to!! When do you wanna meet up?

Arny: How about this Saturday?

I reply: Yea that works for me! Here's my address

Arny: Great, I'll pick you up! Get a good night sleep, darling.

I reply: Very excited! Thank you, please try to go to sleep early, Arny!

Arny: I will try to do that for you!!

I reply: Ok good, haha! Goodnight, love.

Arny: Goodnight, my love!

I go to sleep right after, since I haven't been getting a really good night sleep. I think to myself: How does Arny stay up so late? He says how he has the most energy at nighttime, which I believe him, because he does! I love watching his streams!

I fall asleep soon after, just thinking about Arny! How I'm so excited to meet him finally!

POV: You Fall in Love Where stories live. Discover now