Part 11

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*Two Months Go By*

Waking up to Arny is the best thing ever! He looks so peaceful when he is sleeping. I love watching him rage and yell when he is playing video games.

He uses the spare room in our apartment as his gaming room. I honestly love just going in there sometimes and just watching him play.

I went out to get something. I've been feeling nauseous all morning. So I decided to go to a nearby store. Arny is still sleeping at home, I didn't want to wake him up, he looked so cute and peaceful. I couldn't bring myself to wake him up.

I go into the store, and get a pregnancy test. I mean I don't think I'm pregnant, but there is a possibility.

As I walk out of the store, after buying the pregnancy test. Arny calls me:

Arny: Heyy love, where'd you go?

Me: Uhmmm... I just had to go to the store to grab a couple of things. I'm coming home right now.

Arny: Why didn't you wake me so then we can go together?

Me: I didn't want to wake  you up, you looked so cute.

Arny: Alright darling, see you when you come back home.

Me: Alright, love you.

Arny: I love you too!

I hang up quickly. I realize what I just did, great he's gonna yell at me when I go home now. I didn't say I, since I was in a hurry, and nervous at the same time. He's probably gonna ask why I didn't say I love you when I get back home.

I arrive home. As I reach the apartment door. I try to open the door as slowly and quietly as I can.

As I open the door, I see Arny sitting on top of the countertop table. With his arms crossed, and his face well I think you already know. He looks kinda pissed. Whoops 😅

I try to speed walk to the bathroom, but arny quickly gets off the countertop. And grabs my wrist.

I slowly turn towards Arny. His face still looks mad but he looks so cute.

Arny: Why didn't you say I love you?

Me: I'm sorry, I was in a hurry!!

Arny: In a hurry for what?

Me: To come home to you, duh!

Arny: I don't believe that for a second. C'mon love, just tell me the truth.

Me: ok fine, I went to go get a pregnancy test. I've been feeling nauseous all morning. And I was just scared to see your reaction, and how you would react if it came out positive. I'm sorry!!

I feel relieved after saying that out loud to him.

Arny: Love, it's ok!! If it came out positive, I will still be by your side, no matter what happens. I love you so much!!

Me: I smile, I love you too!

I took the pregnancy test. I am waiting for the results, Arny is waiting with me. He wants me to find out first if I am pregnant or not.

*A few minutes later*

As I see the results, I cover my mouth with my hands, I start crying a bit.

I look over at Arny, and tell him.

Me: Arny, I-I'm pregnant!

Arny: This is great news!!

He hugs me tightly!

Me: Wow I cannot believe this.

I am still shocked, but I'm so happy at the same time.

We stop hugging, and I look at Arny and I wrap my arms around Arny. I kiss him and then I stop and just smile at him.

POV: You Fall in Love Where stories live. Discover now