Part 7

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I slowly open my eyes to find Arny sleeping next to me. He looks so cute when he is sleeping! I gently turn my head over so I can face Arny. I just smile, ugh how am I this lucky?!

Arny slowly starts to wake up, I quickly turn over to the other side and pretend as if I am still sleeping. I didn't want him to know that I was just looking at him while he was sleeping.

Arny opens his eyes and says
"I know you were looking at me while I was sleeping, my love."

I pretend that I just woke up and stretch my arms while still laying down. I say "What?!"

"Were you not just staring at me when I was sleeping just now?" Arny says, with one of his eyebrows raised at me.

"Pfftttt what?! I have no idea what your talking about." I say while making a confused face at him.

As we are still laying down, Arny gently grabs my face and says:

"My love, stop pretending and admit that you were staring at me while I was asleep." He says with a smirk.

"Or what? What will you do if I don't." I say, as Arny's smile starts to grow bigger.

"You'll find out" He says.

"Ok, I didn't do it." I shrug, not knowing what he is about to do next. I slowly sit up on the bed.

Arny pulls me back down onto the bed, now I am in a laying down position again.

"Did I say you can get up?" He says with a smirk and one brow raised.

"Uhmm... No, I - I didn't know I needed your permission, sorry!!" I say as my heart starts beating faster and faster.

"Fine I will let it go just this one time. But I love seeing you panic and get nervous." He chuckles.

"Wait what happens if I don't listen to you next time?" I say nervously.

"Would you like to find out?" Arny smirks and raises one brow at you.

"Uhmm i dont know... I guess" I say slowly and nervously. I didn't know I can get this nervous just from a few words. My curiousness really wants to find out what he would do. Buy another part of me doesn't, and is kinda scared of what he is going to do to you.

"You don't sound so sure, my love. Do you want to find out or- "

"Yes!" I say cutting him off. Oh shit, I shouldn't have done that. " SORRYY!!" I say, really nervous about what he's going to do or say next.

Arny smiles. Arny slowly gets on top of me. Arny grabs my chin and holds it for a few seconds. I look into his eyes, not knowing what he will do next. Most parts of me wants him to do what he will do next. A tiny tiny part of me doesn't want him to do anything to me.

But, instead Arny just starts to slowly get off of me. He starts to chuckle, he was just trying to tease me. I softly slap him on his chest.

POV: You Fall in Love Where stories live. Discover now