Part 6

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After we have eaten our breakfast, he takes me to a bunch of places. He takes me to a little bakery. They have really nice and calming music. Of course he gets his banana muffin. I decide to get one as well, to see what it tastes like.

I tell the cashier our orders, then I take out my card to pay with.

"No I got it, I can pay for the both of us." Arny says.

"Noo! You paid for our breakfast, and I feel bad so let me pay."

Arny quickly gives the cashier his card. I turn to him and give him this 😐 look. Arny smiles.

He hands me my muffin and starts eating his muffin.

"Ohh wow this muffin is really good

"I know right this is my favorite type of muffin, when I went to New York I went searching for this muffin." Arny says

"Haha you really love your muffins." I start laughing.

"Yes, yes I do!" He laughs.

*A few hours later*

It starts getting dark, it is around 6:30pm, we just finished eating dinner. And of course Arny wouldn't let me pay for us.

We start walking back to my place. We wanted to walk to my place so that we can talk more with each other and get to know each other even more. Also, I get to see his smile and his cute little laugh more.

His smile just makes me smile and his laugh makes me wanna laugh as well.

We have arrived at my place.

"Do you wanna come up?" I ask him.

"Yeahh sure" He says. We walk up the stairs and into my apartment.

"Wow your place is nice and cozy!" He smiles.

"Yeahh I love it!" I say.

I flop onto my bed, my head is looking at the ceiling now. Arny walks over to my bed and sits down. I sit up on the bed. I was about to put my the strands of hair that was on my face behind my ear.

But Arny gently removes my hand and puts my hand on my lap. He gently puts my hair behind my ear.

We look into each other's eyes, as he comes closer to me and I move closer to him. Our lips slowly touch each other's. Arny and I kiss passionately for a few minutes.

When we stop kissing, we look into each other's eyes and smile at each other. Arny slowly lays down on my bed and puts his head on my pillow to rest his head. I slowly get closer to Arny and lay down on his lap. Arny brushes my hair gently with his hand, as I slowly drift off and fall asleep.

POV: You Fall in Love Where stories live. Discover now