Chapter Twenty Two B - And His Name Was Called

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"Woah, I don't want to carry you home," Ace muttered, taking the red plastic cup from Hunter's hand.

"I've only had one," Hunter protested.

"And we know what happens when you have one and a half."

"Oh please."

Carla bustled around the room, exchanging hugs with everyone. Hunter had been there for almost three hours and he still hadn't managed to spot Cathy. He'd seen Ella for a brief moment, and come to think of it, he'd hardly seen Dean all night as well. 

Ace turned around suddenly, looking around, alert. "What is it?" Hunter asked. Ace stayed silent, for a moment before taking off. He pushed past the groups of people, nearly sending the refreshment table toppling over as he darted past. "What is it!?" Hunter exclaimed.

 "I think I heard her scream."



"What? Why?"

"I don't know. She's afraid of crowds. Strange crowds," Ace replied.

Hunter and Ace ran through, listening for her voice, desperately searching. She was afraid of crowds? Hunter had never even known. He hadn't thought that the invincible, emotionless, really kind of mean girl would have an overwhelming fear.

That was when Hunter heard her cry for help. "Help! Ace!"

Hunter ran. Ace ran. They found her pressed against the wall, terrified as Alec approached. "Cathy!" Hunter exclaimed. She looked up, the terror momentarily vanishing from her eyes. Hunter stopped running, but Ace kept going. He grabbed Alec by the shirt and tossed him to the ground.

Hunter stopped by Cathy. She squatted down against the wall, inhaling and exhaling ridiculously quickly while the beads of sweat rolled down her face. "Are you okay?" He asked. She nodded slowly. Instinctively, he wrapped his arms around her, feeling her body shaking, shivering. "Breathe slowly," he said, though he wasn't quite sure if that was the right advice to be giving.

For once, she looked fragile, and this was the only time she needed, and he could protect her. She rested her head against him and he held her close.

Finally, her breathing returned to normal and she stopped shaking. Hunter let out a sigh of relief. "Do you want to stand up?" He asked. She nodded and he helped her up. He kept his hand around her arm as she steadied herself against the wall.

There was a loud shattering and Hunter and Cathy looked up. The fight was still going on. Alec had tackled Ace into the refreshment table, knocking over the glass punch bowl and other jugs and cups. The cordial pooled out onto the ground as the two scuffled.

"Guys, stop!" Carla shrieked, switching the lights on and the strobe lights off. The DJ turned off the music. Dylan ran towards the two and tried to pull one off the other, but they were still throwing fists, tumbling and skidding across the ground.

"Oi!" Riley yelled, launching herself onto the mass of bodies. She dragged Alec back by the elbows while Dylan grabbed Ace.

"Get out!" Carla shouted. Riley dragged Alec outside and slammed the door. With a final kick against the wooden door, he shouted some curses and left. The mess was quickly cleaned up, but the party was pretty much over, with most of the people clearing out.

Ace looked at his arm, a thin line of blood running down. Cathy walked over to him. "Thanks," she said, looking at her feet. "I'll help you clean up the thing," she said, gesturing to his arm and the kitchen.

"Sure," he shrugged.

Hunter watched as she led Ace to the kitchen and pulled the small fragments of glass out from his arm. She dabbed a cloth with disinfectant and cleaned the cut before putting a bandaid over it.

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