Chapter Seven - Prince in Muddy School Uniform Part 1

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Chapter Seven - Prince in Muddy School Uniform Part 1

It was so awkward sitting here. I could feel his body heat. I had to admit it was warm though. At some point, we had inched even closer, and now the blazer and jacket were covering both of us.

My heart beat like a drum and I struggled to swallow my saliva naturally. "That wouldn't be your heart I hear right now, right?" Hunter asked. Despite it being pitch black inside the shed, I could just tell he was smirking like no tomorrow.
"No," I quickly denied.
"I'm starting to think I make you nervous."
"Have you got an answer for me yet?"
"An answer for what?"
"What exactly do you think of me, nerd-bird?" It was like deja vu all over again.

The shed door creaked and flung open, a gust of wind hitting me. A skinny yet strong frame stood in the doorway. I quickly realised who it was and jumped up, grabbing my blazer and bolting as though my life depended on it. Hunter laughed, seeing my slight dilemma and panic at the question and slowly got up, following me out.

"Thanks Ace, late as usual," Hunter joked, punching his friend in the arm. We looked around the school ground; it sure did look different when it was all dark. In fact, it looked rather eery.
"How'd you get in?" I asked, paranoid, silently hoping his answer wasn't what I was thinking.
"I climbed the fence."
"Oh no." First of all, that was called trespassing, secondly, I couldn't climb the fence to save my life.
"What?" Hunter asked.
"I can't climb the fence."
"I'll help you."

How did I go from being an A grade student to a fence-climbing delinquent in such a short amount of time? I gave him a 'really' look and he looked back, tilting his head. "It's either this or you sleep here," he pointed out.
"Good point. But seriously, how do I get over?" I asked. Was I supposed to power jump over? Cling onto the skinny bars and hope my feet were so big they would semi-wedge between the spaces in the bars?

"I'll boost you over, and then you pull yourself over with your arms," he instructed rather vaguely. This seemed rather unrealistic because well...that fence was pretty damn high. "You're lucky it doesn't have spikes on it."
"Right. Okay. do you boost me exactly?"

He rolled his eyes and walked closer to the fence, with his hands together, fingers intertwined. I had watched enough movies to know that I had to step on his hands.

Well...this was awkward. Partly because I wasn't exactly light, but partly because it was possible my bum would end up in front of his face. I needed to get this quickly over with.

"Ready?" he asked as I'd successfully managed to maintain my balance. I nodded and he pushed upwards. I clung onto the top rung of the gate and just basically hung there with my legs flailing around desperately. So this is why people are supposed to exercise. After puffing for a while, I pulled myself half over and made the dire mistake of looking down.

"Oh gosh. It's high," I said, starting to tremble a little. Hunter and Ace got themselves quickly over in about a quarter of the time it had taken me to pull my body over the other side. "You must do this often..." I murmured. I jumped down and the force sent a shock straight through my foot. The pain hurt. Really bad.

I quickly crouched own to look at my ankle where a current throbbing pain was starting up. "Hey, are you okay?" Hunter asked, nudging me with his foot.
"Uh...yeah," I lied. I stood up, only to hiss out in pain as soon as I did so. He turned and crouched down in front of me. "Uh..."

"Hop on," he said, turning his head around to look at me. "Quickly," he said, gesturing to his back with his head in this really weird way that was kind of a flick, but also kind of like a turn.

"I'll be fine," I insisted.
"If you don't get on..." he paused to think of a threat. "I'll carry my arms," he grinned proudly.
"Oh have mercy." I hobbled the few steps forward and hopped on rather awkwardly.

I could feel the heat from his body ebbing out. We were now both back in our appropriate jackets and were somewhat warmer than before. Thump. Thump. Thump.

Was heart?

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